Fixes :
🔸Fixed where sp!role
command was able to give you a role higher than your top-most role.
🔸Fixed the bug which didn't remove Muted role even after the mute period ends.
🔸Fixed sp!say
🔸Fixed bad rendering of avatars when sp!avatar
command was used.
🔸Fixed nickname command which didn't change the nickname of user.
What's New:
🔹Updated discord.py
version to latest i.e. version 1.7.2
🔹Added sp!uptime
command which shows uptime of the bot.
🔹Added sp!about
command where bot gives a little introduction about itself.
🔹Added sp!say
command which now needs Manage Messages permissions on you to work for you.
🔹Added sp!embed
command which now needs Manage Messages permissions on you to work for you.
🔹Added sp!helpmod
command which gives more details on Moderation commands.
🔹Added Music cog which is still in BETA version. The commands seem to work but may give errors too.
🔹Added 👑 Owner Only
category in sp!help
command which shows some commands that can be used only by owner.
🔹Added new command handlers to moderation commands which make the error more specific now.
▫️ Removed sp!idban
command coz the sp!ban
command can fetch user by it's ID too.
▫️ Removed sp!suggestion
command coz it forced the server to create a new channel named "suggestion" particularly. This command can be added in future tho.
That's for the version 2 and specifically v2.0.0 of the bot. The new patched updates will be added regularly. Thanks!
SPIKE is made with ❤️