This software establishes either a hardware serial or software serial connection using the right expansion header on the Arduino Esplora (the left connector appears unused).
ExploraXbeeRemote is a fork of the example EsploraRemote but it uses Serial1 (the hardware serial pins D0 and D1 which are on the expansion header at Pins 7 and 8. This is useful for making a wireless esplora controller.
EsploraXbeeController melds EsploraXbeeRemote with the EsploraKart controller software, making the Esplora responsive to input and outputing command when the buttons and joystick press/move making the Esplora a wireless controller. A cell phone emergency charge battery is strapped onto the Esplora with Xbee making it a truly wireless controller.
Finally EsploraXbeeRobot uses the Esplora to output ASCII commands when buttons are pressed and the joystick moved or clicked to control a robotic head wirelessly.
See - keyword "Arduino Esplora" for all Esplora related articles which may use this code.
This code is Open Software, Creative Commons 3.0 attribute (free to use, just say you got it here). If you use this code, please keep in the header that it is based on code by Anne Barela dated 12/2012 and 1/2013
Good luck and please post your derivatives.