An avid gamer, I enjoy single player, narrative, story-driven games like The Last of Us. This was one of the primary reasons I became a Game Developer; to create amazing experiences like these. While that's the ultimate goal, I'm building my career learning the various intricacies of gamedev and levelling up as I go along!
If you know what that feels like, do hit me up. I'm always open to collaborate on projects, discuss games or even do some multiplayer sessions of Destiny!
- 🌍 I'm based in Bangalore, India
- ✉️ You can contact me at
- 🧠 Currently, I'm learning Unity MARS, Unreal 5.2, Shader Graph, MetaQuest 2
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on game development projects, open source gamedev, tech videos
- ⚡ I love coffee, board games and meeting new people!
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