Send-TwilioSMS PowerShell command to send a SMS with Twilio
Sign up for a twilio account at twilio What follows is the help text from the PowerShell script.
###Synopsis Robert Allen - @TheMasterPrawn 15/06/2016
Uses the twilio SMS api to send an SMS, you need a twilio account on Useful for texting someone as part of some PowerShell automation.
###EXAMPLE .\Send-TwilioSMS.ps1 -AccountSid "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -authToken "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -fromNumber "+353861111111" -toNumber "+353832222222" ` -message "Error events made better by Twilio"
###INPUTS AccountSid : From API Credentials here
authToken : From API Credentials here
fromNumber : Must be a valid purchased twilio number from here
toNumber : Where you want to send the message to
message : The message
###OUTPUTS Twilio will return information relating to the transaction.
###FUNCTIONALITY Uses the twilio SMS api to send an SMS.
Uses Invoke-RestMethod so dll's for service interaction are not needed.
Ensure your firewall allows you use