The main goal of this project is to bring back some of The Nexus MC's game modes, mainly Survival Games and MCSwat. We do have some plans in regards to other gamemodes, but these will mostly be decided upon by the community when the time comes
You are free to fork/clone the repositories here as you see fit, however the code and projects are highly tailored to The Nexus Reborn specifically. However I do plan on splitting some of these things into their own libraries. At this time, we use Java 8 and Spigot 1.8.8. However there are some plans to change this in the future
Please feel free to contribute to the project as you see fit, please make sure you follow proper Java Naming Conventions
The Project is divided into some things to make it easier.
NexusAPI contains all the things that are not specific to Minecraft based coding and does not depend on any of the Spigot Jar Files NexusCore is the main plugin for all of the Minecraft Spigot Servers and all of them run this plugin. NexusProxy is the plugin that is on the BungeeCord Proxy Server and does the same things as NexusCore NexusHub is the plugin for the Hub Servers NexusSurvivalGames is the plugin for the Survival Games gamemode
All of these use the Maven build tool, so all you have to do is download them and import using Maven
If you need to get into contact or want to interact with the community, we have an official Discord Server found here: We also have a Forums found here:
Firestar311 (me) is the only developer at this time, if you have any questions, please join the discord and send me a message. My DMs are open to server members