An operator for OpenShift Console.
The console-operator installs and maintains the web console on a cluster.
The console operator is installed by default and will automatically maintain a console.
- Install Go 1.15.2 --
- GVM is recommended but not required --
- On MacOS you may need to execute
go env -w GO111MODULE=auto
after installing the main go binary before you can install other versions via GVM
- On MacOS you may need to execute
To avoid some of the standard quirks of gopath
, the recommended way to clone and
work with this repository is to do the following:
Rather than ~/go for everything, provide separate gopaths. For this example we will use $HOME/gopaths as the root of our projects and consoleoperator as our project directory.
mkdir -p $HOME/gopaths/consoleoperator
Now get the repository from github.
cd $HOME/gopaths/consoleoperator
export GOPATH=`pwd`
go get
You may see a message like package no Go files in $HOME/gopaths/consoleoperator/src/
and you can safely ignore it.
You may now add your fork to the repo as a remote.
cd src/
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin {Your fork url}
Note that we created $HOME/gopaths
. This implies that each project will have
its own gopath, so you will need to set that while working:
export GOPATH=$HOME/gopaths/consoleoperator
If you have multiple goprojects and don't want to fuss with maintaining this when
you cd
to different projects, give this script
a try. It will add a command called calc_gopath
to your prompt_command
set your gopath appropriately depending on the current working directory.
(At some point golang
will fix $GOPATH
and this won't be necessary)
Running the make
command will build the binary:
The binary output will be:
You may want to add this to your path or symlink it:
# if your ~/bin is in your path:
ln -s ./_output/local/bin/<os>/<arch>/console ~/bin/console
However, it is no longer recommended to run the operator locally. Instead, you should be building a docker image and deploying it into a development cluster. Continue below for instructions to do this with a reasonable feedback loop.
Test gofmt
and other verification tools:
make verify
Let gofmt
automatically update your source:
gofmt -w ./pkg
gofmt -w ./cmd
make test-unit
It is suggested to run integration
and e2e
tests with CI. This is automatic when opening a PR.
The approach here is to build & deploy your code in a new container on a development cluster. Don't be put off by the need to redeploy your container, this is intended to provide a quick feedback loop.
To develop features for the console-operator
, you will need to run your code against a dev cluster.
The console-operator
expects to be running in a container. It is difficult to fake a local
environment, and the debuggin experience is not like debugging a real container. Instead, do the following
to set yourself up to build your binary & deploy a new container quickly and frequently.
Visit, download the installer and create a cluster. Instructions (including pull secret) are maintained here.
# create a directory for your install config
# aws is recommended
mkdir ~/openshift/aws/us-east
cd ~/openshift/aws/us-east
# generate configs using the wizard
openshift-install create install-config
# then run the installer to get a cluster
openshift-install create cluster --dir ~/openshift/aws/us-east --log-level debug
If successful, you should have gotten instructions to set KUBECONFIG
, login to the console, etc.
We don't want the default console-operator
to run if we are going to test our own. Therefore, do
the following:
# Instruct CVO to stop managing the console operator
# CVO's job is to ensure all of the operators are functioning correctly
# if we want to make changes to the operator, we need to tell CVO to stop caring.
oc apply -f examples/cvo-unmanage-operator.yaml
# Then, scale down the default console-operator
oc scale --replicas 0 deployment console-operator --namespace openshift-console-operator
Note that you can also simply delete the CVO namespace if you want to turn it off completely (for all operators).
Now we should be ready to build & deploy the operator with our changes.
Typically to build your binary you will use the make
# this will build for your platform:
# if you are running OSX, you will need to build for linux doing something like:
OS_DEBUG=true OS_BUILD_PLATFORMS=linux/amd64 make
# note that you can build for mulitiple platforms with:
make build-cross
But the make
step is included in the Dockerfile
, so this does not need to be done manually.
You can instead simply build the container image and push the it to your own registry:
# the pattern is:
docker build -t <registry>/<your-username>/console-operator:<version> .
# following:
# for development, you are going to push to an alternate registry.
# specifically it can look something like this:
docker build -f Dockerfile.rhel7 -t .
You can optionally build a specific version.
Then, push your image:
docker push <registry>/<your-username>/console-operator:<version>
# Be sure your repository is public else the image will not be able to be pulled later
docker push
Then, you will want to deploy your new container. This means duplicating the manifests/07-operator.yaml
and updating the line image:
to instead use the
image you just pushed.
# duplicate the operator manifest to /examples or your ~/ home dir
cp manifests/07-operator.yaml ~/07-operator-alt-image.yaml
Then, update the image & replicas in your 07-operator-alt-image.yaml
# before
replicas: 2
# after
# image: <registry>/<your-username>/console-operator:<version>
replicas: 1
And ensure that the imagePullPolicy
is still Always
. This will ensure a fast development feedback loop.
imagePullPolicy: Always
At this point, your pattern will be
- Change code
- Build a new docker image
- This will automatically & implicitly
make build
a new binary
- This will automatically & implicitly
- Push the image to your repository
- Delete the running
pod- This will cause the Deployment to pull the image again before deploying a new pod
Which looks like the following:
# build binary + container
docker build -t .
# push container
docker push
# delete pod, trigger a new pull & deploy
oc delete pod console-operator --namespace openshift-console-operator
Docker containers are layered, so there should not be a significant time delay in between your pushes.
If you are making changes to the manifests, you will need to oc apply
the manifest.
# inspect the clusteroperator object
oc describe clusteroperator console
# get all events in openshift-console-operator namespace
oc get events -n openshift-console-operator
# retrieve deployment info (including related events)
oc describe deployment console-operator -n openshift-console-operator
# retrieve pod info (including related events)
oc describe pod console-operator-<sha> -n openshift-console-operator
# watch the logs of the operator pod (scale down to 1, no need for mulitple during dev)
oc logs -f console-operator-<sha> -n openshift-console-operator
# exec into the pod
oc exec -it console-operator-<sha> -- /bin/bash
If you don't know where your kubeconfig
is due to running against multiple clusters this can be handy:
# just a high number
oc whoami --loglevel=100
# likely output will be $HOME/.kube/config
If you need to know information about your cluster:
# this will list all images, associated github repo, and the commit # currently running.
# very useful to see if the image is running current code...or not.
oc adm release info --commits
# get just the list of images & sha256 digest
oc adm release info
# coming soon...
oc adm release extract
See the Quick Starts README for contributing console quick starts.