Dynamica is a library that provides a mechanism for dynamic dispatch/ interfaces in Zig. While it's not as ergonomic as an 'interface' keyword, it is still quite easy to create interfaces using Zig's powerful comptime and reflection capabilities.
Structural typing-like. Struct should not have to declare that they implement a certain interface, if they implement all of the necessary functions Dyn(Interface).init(*struct)
will succeed. Furthermore the developer should not write duplicate code, e.g. repeating all function definitions for a VTable type.
Define a function with the signature: pub fn ExampleInterfaceFn(selfType: type) type
which returns a struct with all of the functions of your interface.
Call const ExampleInteface = MakeInterface(ExampleInterfaceFn)
to get your interface type.
Now Dyn(ExampleInterface)
returns a dynamic interface object, which can be used as an argument to a function, or initialized an pointer: Dyn(ExampleInterface).init(&implStruct)
pub fn PrinterInterfaceFn(selfType: type) type {
return struct {
pub fn print(self: *const selfType, val: i32) void {
return iCall("print", self, .{val}, void);
pub const Printer = MakeInterface(PrinterInterfaceFn);
const SumPrinter = struct {
val: i32,
pub fn print(self: *SumPrinter, other: i32) void {
std.debug.print("SumPrinter: {} + {} = {}\n", .{ self.val, other, self.val + other });
const MultiplyPrinter = struct {
val: i32,
pub fn print(self: *MultiplyPrinter, other: i32) void {
std.debug.print("MultiplyPrinter: {} * {} = {}\n", .{ self.val, other, self.val * other });
const sumPrinter: SumPrinter = .{ .val = 5 };
const dynSumPrinter = Dyn(Printer).init(&sumPrinter);
const multiplyPrinter: MultiplyPrinter = .{ .val = 6 };
const dynMultiplyPrinter = Dyn(Printer).init(&multiplyPrinter);
var printers = std.ArrayList(Dyn(Printer)).init(gpa);
for (printers.items) |printer| {