A graphing calculator for your Arduboy!
Here's what's currently here:
- Simple keypad for entering numbers
- An RPN calculator
- Graph output
- Shunting-yard algorithm for converting user-readable functions.
- Formula keyboard
- Direct mode (enter formulas, get response)
- Table view
Here's what I hope to accomplish in the near future:
- Better error reporting
- Coherent UI
- Table "entry mode" and "jump to" setting.
- Settings (disable axis lines, dots instead of lines, DEG or RAD, etc.)
Some issues are copied from the Arduboy forum thread:
Division operations are reversed (Function-related issue)Cursor soft-resets Arduboy when it goes offscreen onmain menuRPN debug screen (GraphFont-related issue)- This is "solved" but the root issue is not solved.
Implicit Multiplication doesn't work (Function-related issue) -2x
Error reporting doesn't exist - functions fail silently (Function-related issue) -x+
- Error reporting should happen in two stages -- one where the char string is being parsed, one where the function is being graphed. This would allow for syntax errors to be reported in a place nicer than the graph's draw function.
Graph object wastes a lot of memory by storing all Y values (Graph-related issue)- Prepare for functions by converting existing char input system over to a token-based system (Big issue)
- This means using a more TI-84-like system where there's a dedicated unary minus token and it's completely different from the subtraction token.
- Unary Negative doesn't work (Function-related issue) -
- Optimize more menus (draw only when you need to)
- There are a few todos hidden in the code.
- Why does
I'm still working on parts of the UI!
- The window settings are next to recieve an overhaul. I'll add simple "nudge" and "zoom" controls and make the stuff there look better.
- The trace menu is very bare. Need to improve it too.
- Direct could look much much better. A scrolling display not unlike the TI-84 would be welcome.
Here's the menus that are already "done":
If you want to see where I started, check out this Twitter thread!
- Me - UI, RPN calculator, font
- SmileBASIC Discord - A lot of help with C++
- snail_ - Some help with the Shunting-Yard Algorithm
- yinkou - TinyFont code, used as base for GraphFont