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Getting Started

Theemim edited this page Aug 12, 2017 · 9 revisions
  1. Acquire the latest GeckoPrefsExporter.js.
  2. Look at the contents of GeckoPrefsExporter.js and make sure you are comfortable with what it does. This is something that you should always do before running something in Scratchpad. Especially when you will be executing it in browser context. The default options will produce a non-filtered txt output file with all pref fields included, and stats will go to the console. Which will be fine for your first run at least.
  3. If you like, you can try it in a test profile or test portable first.
  4. It will not use the network unless you choose to save the export file to a networked drive. So you can use it while offline, if you want to.
  5. Open Scratchpad and set the environment to browser.
  6. Open the Browser Console if you want to see the messages that go there.
  7. Open the GeckoPrefsExporter.js you reviewed in Step #2 using Scratchpad's Open File feature or carefully copy/paste that file's contents into Scratchpad.
  8. Final check: what appears in Scratchpad is OK to execute?
  9. Click Run
  10. GeckoPrefsExporter.js will read the prefs, prepare its output, then display a file save dialog. Given the nature of what is stored in prefs, and thus what will be stored in the export file, I recommend that you save the file to a private location.
  11. Open the saved file with a text editor and behold your preferences.


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