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Themaister edited this page Apr 30, 2013 · 2 revisions


At its core, RetroArch is a command-line application. Getting familiar with the command-line helps you understand the design principles of RetroArch.

Load a ROM and libretro core

retroarch -L /path/to/libretro/ game.rom

Get verbose logging output

To get a better idea on what's going on, use --verbose flag as well. If you want to report a bug, it is vital that this log is included.

Use a config file

By default, RetroArch looks for a config in various places depending on OS:

  • Linux/OSX: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/retroarch/retroarch.cfg, then ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg, then ~/.retroarch.cfg, and finally, as a fallback, /etc/retroarch.cfg.
  • Windows: retroarch.cfg in same folder as retroarch.exe, then %APPDATA%\retroarch.cfg.

To override this, use retroarch --config customconfig.cfg. If you have some special options you want to store in separate config files you can use retroarch --config baseconfig.cfg --appendconfig specialconfig.cfg. See man-page and/or --help for detail.

To help creating configs with a GUI, RetroArch-Phoenix is a suitable frontend. The config file with all options are documented here. On Linux and OSX, it is normally installed to /etc/retroarch.cfg. On Windows releases you'll find it in the directory along with retroarch.exe after a fresh zip extraction (it quickly gets overwritten).

retroarch --help

Use it. You'll probably discover some features you didn't think about.

RetroArch: Frontend for libretro -- v0.9.9-wip1 --

Compiler: GCC (4.8.0) 64-bit
Built: Apr 29 2013
Usage: retroarch [rom file] [options...]
    -h/--help: Show this help message.
    --menu: Do not require ROM or libretro core to be loaded, starts directly in menu.
        If no arguments are passed to RetroArch, it is equivalent to using --menu as only argument.
    --features: Prints available features compiled into RetroArch.
    -s/--save: Path for save file (*.srm). Required when rom is input from stdin.
    -f/--fullscreen: Start RetroArch in fullscreen regardless of config settings.
    -S/--savestate: Path to use for save states. If not selected, *.state will be assumed.
    -c/--config: Path for config file.
        By default looks for config in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/retroarch/retroarch.cfg,
        and $HOME/.retroarch.cfg.
    --appendconfig: Extra config files are loaded in, and take priority over config selected in -c (or default).
        Multiple configs are delimited by ','.
    -L/--libretro: Path to libretro implementation. Overrides any config setting.
    -g/--gameboy: Path to Gameboy ROM. Load SuperGameBoy as the regular rom.
    -b/--bsx: Path to BSX rom. Load BSX BIOS as the regular rom.
    -B/--bsxslot: Path to BSX slotted rom. Load BSX BIOS as the regular rom.
    --sufamiA: Path to A slot of Sufami Turbo. Load Sufami base cart as regular rom.
    --sufamiB: Path to B slot of Sufami Turbo.
    -N/--nodevice: Disconnects controller device connected to port (1 to 8).
    -A/--dualanalog: Connect a DualAnalog controller to port (1 to 8).
    -m/--mouse: Connect a mouse into port of the device (1 to 8).
    -p/--scope: Connect a virtual SuperScope into port 2. (SNES specific).
    -j/--justifier: Connect a virtual Konami Justifier into port 2. (SNES specific).
    -J/--justifiers: Daisy chain two virtual Konami Justifiers into port 2. (SNES specific).
    -4/--multitap: Connect a SNES multitap to port 2. (SNES specific).
    -P/--bsvplay: Playback a BSV movie file.
    -R/--bsvrecord: Start recording a BSV movie file from the beginning.
    -M/--sram-mode: Takes an argument telling how SRAM should be handled in the session.
        {no,}load-{no,}save describes if SRAM should be loaded, and if SRAM should be saved.
        Do note that noload-save implies that save files will be deleted and overwritten.
    -H/--host: Host netplay as player 1.
    -C/--connect: Connect to netplay as player 2.
    --port: Port used to netplay. Default is 55435.
    -F/--frames: Sync frames when using netplay.
    --spectate: Netplay will become spectating mode.
        Host can live stream the game content to players that connect.
        However, the client will not be able to play. Multiple clients can connect to the host.
    --nick: Picks a nickname for use with netplay. Not mandatory.
    --command: Sends a command over UDP to an already running RetroArch process.
        Available commands are listed if command is invalid.
    -r/--record: Path to record video file.
        Using .mkv extension is recommended.
    --recordconfig: Path to settings used during recording.
    --size: Overrides output video size when recording with FFmpeg (format: WIDTHxHEIGHT).
    -v/--verbose: Verbose logging.
    -U/--ups: Specifies path for UPS patch that will be applied to ROM.
    --bps: Specifies path for BPS patch that will be applied to ROM.
    --ips: Specifies path for IPS patch that will be applied to ROM.
    --no-patch: Disables all forms of rom patching.
    -X/--xml: Specifies path to XML memory map.
    -D/--detach: Detach RetroArch from the running console. Not relevant for all platforms.

retroarch --features

If you're unsure if a particular feature is compiled in, this helps:

        SDL drivers: yes
        Threading support: yes
        OpenGL driver: yes
        KMS/EGL context support: yes
        EGL context support: yes
        OpenVG output support: no
        XVideo output: yes
        audio driver: yes
        audio driver: yes
        audio driver: yes
        audio driver: yes
        audio driver: yes
        audio driver: yes
        audio driver: no
        audio driver: no
        PNG encode/decode and .zip extraction: yes
        audio driver: yes
        External filter and plugin support: yes
        Cg pixel shaders: yes
        libxml2 XML parsing: yes
        SDL_image image loading: yes
        OpenGL render-to-texture (multi-pass shaders): yes
        Dynamic run-time loading of libretro library: yes
        On-the-fly recording of gameplay with libavcodec: yes
        TTF font rendering with FreeType: yes
        Peer-to-peer netplay: yes
        Script support in shaders: yes