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scroll-ease-efficient is a function that smoothly scroll the scrollbar to the specified position.
- no dependencies
- scrolling in vertical direction or horizontal direction
- specify the positon that needs to be scrolled
- support three animations: gradually & liner & instant
$ npm install scroll-ease-efficient --save
# Support CommonJs/ES6/Script
# 1. CommonJs
const { scrollTo } = require('scroll-ease-efficient')
# 2. ES6
import { scrollTo } from 'scroll-ease-efficient'
# 3. Script
<script type="text/javascript" src="scroll-ease-efficient/index.js"></script>
# scrollable element
let scrollEle = document.getElementById('id')
# basic usage
scrollTo(scrollEle, 500)
# specify the time of scrolling, unit is millisecond(ms)
scrollTo(scrollEle, 500, { duration: 500})
# specify the timing function, support 'gradually'/'liner'/'instant'
scrollTo(scrollEle, 500, { timingFunction: 'gradually'})
# specify the time of scrolling, and timing function
scrollTo(scrollEle, 500, { timingFunction: 'liner', duration: 500})
# specify the factor, it is just for 'gradually' mode, and duration is unuserful
scrollTo(scrollEle, 500, { timingFunction: 'gradually', factor: 6})
# horizontal direction
scrollTo(scrollEle, 500, { direction: 'horizontal' })
function scrollTo (ele, pos, [options])
- ele <Dom> target scrollable element
- pos <Number> specified the position which scroll to
- options <Object>
- direction <String> specify direction of scrolling, default value is 'vertical'
- timingFunction <String> specify velocity curve of scrolling, default value is 'linear'
- duration <Number> specify time of scrolling, default value is 1000
- factor <Number> specify the factor of gradually scrolling, it is only for gradually mode, should less then 100, and more then 1
scroll smooth animation js front-end