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Bloxflip Auto Rain Joiner 🤖

License: MIT
A simple program that will bypass bloxflip's chat captcha system allowing the program to automatically collect the robux from rains

Setup 🌐

The program uses a library called tesseract to detect text in images, the package requires you to actually install the program itself

to download it go to here and download the 64 bit version, then put the path you downlaoded it into the tesseract_path key inside config.json and make sure to add \\tesseract to the end and replace all the backslashes with double backslashes


You also need to get a key from NoCaptcha, to get a api key for the reverse image search part.


Warning ⚠

IMPORTANT: You only get 100 api requests a day, so you can either sign up for a paid plan or simply keep creating a new key daily

Usage ⚙

The config.json file should look like

	"minimum_amount": 500,
	"auto_join": true,
	"webhook_enabled": true,
	"webhook": "",
	"webhook_ping": "<@1234567890>",
	"notifications_enabled": true,
	"tesseract_path": "C:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Local\\Tesseract-OCR\\tesseract",
	"Serpapi_Api_Key": ""


Minimum rain amount intended for the program required to send you a notification. If you dont want this and want to be notified of all rains leave it at 500

Example: If you set it to 1000 it will only notify you of rains that are bigger then or equal to 1000 R$


If set to "true" then a popup on the bottom right on your screen will display showing you information about the current rain

Here is an example:

unknown (2)


Should be obvious but if you want the rain notifier to send a message to your discord webhook set it to "True"


You can now ping a role or user instead of @everyone. If you need help getting an ID im sure this will help:

Setting up ping:

If you want to ping @everyone or @here make sure your webhook_ping setting looks something like this:

"webhook_ping": "@everyone",

If you want to ping a user make sure your webhook_ping setting looks something like this:

"webhook_ping": "<@747719812054253568>",

If you want to ping a role just put a & symbol infront of the numbers. It should look something like this:

"webhook_ping": "<@&690632567663575090>",

Obviously these are examples, replace the numbers with your own


If you set webhook_enabled to "True" input your webhook into here to it can actually send it to you

Example of webhook:



A tool to automatically join Bloxflip Rains







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