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GuestBook Kubernetes Dojo

Welcome to this Kubernetes Dojo! Your goal is to deploy a simple web application in a Kubernetes cluster, and learn the maximum during this session.

That's why it is essential that:

  • You experiment and try things that may break. Don't simply copy paste everything from StackOverflow until it passes the test !
  • But also keep focus on your goal: have a working application, piece by piece. Don't block at the start for a detail.
  • To keep moving or learn more, please andon! It means then whenever you have a question, a doubt, a feedback, call someone from the staff, we'll love to help you.

0. Setup your env

First, you need to setup your computer for the dojo.

Start with cloning this repo:

git clone
cd dojo-guestbook

Connect to a distant VM

To work efficiently, you will work on a distant VM on which all the following tools are already installed.

  • git: Version your code and collaborate
  • docker: Build and run container images
  • docker-compose: Run multiple containers locally
  • kubectl: The CLI to interact with Kubernetes
  • helm: Generate Kubernetes manifest from templates and manage their deployment
  • kind: Create a Kubernetes locally inside containers

To connect to the VM:

  • Install VSCode

  • Add the following Remote SSH extension to VSCode

  • Create a github account

  • Create a SSH key on your Github account: Add a ssh key documentation

  • Share your handle Github with Padok's team member

  • Launch a "Remote SSH Session" with VSCode extension via the command ssh <handleGithub>@<handleGithub>

Setup a Kubernetes cluster on your VM

We have a script ready for you, it uses the kind-cluster.yaml config in this repo for the cluster configuration. If you need more nodes, you'll need to modify it.

It also installs an Ingress Controller, which acts as a reverse proxy for your cluster.


# At the end of the workshop to delete the cluster
# ./scripts/

You should be able to run some kubectl queries automatically:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                           STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
padok-training-control-plane   Ready    control-plane,master   3m29s   v1.22.5
$ kubectl get pods
No resources found in default namespace.

To test that your cluster is working, you can query the Nginx Ingress Controller, which should respond with a 404 since no app is declared behind.

<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>

Checks (before you go on)

  • I can run a simple command with all the tool listed above (git --version, kubectl --help, etc...)
  • I can run a container: docker run hello-world
  • I can run a simple kubectl query: kubectl get nodes
  • I can contact my cluster through http/https: curl <my-cluster-addr> returns a 404

1. (Optional) Build and launch the app locally

This task is optional, don't loose time on it right now!


If you truly want to immerse yourself in the life of a developer, you will need to be able to iterate quickly on the app locally.


Be creative, try to modify a simple thing in the app.


For this you simply need the go cli installed and some knownledge of this language.

When you are happy with the result, you can launch the app with go run main.go, or build a binary with go build.


  • I can run the app locally, and see the web UI.
  • I have implemented a small change in the application and it still runs

2. Build a container image (Docker)


While you build and iterate on your app locally, you need to be able to deploy it on a real production environment.

Since you don't know where it will run (in an isolated virtual machine?, which packages are installed?), we want to ensure the reproductability and isolation of the application. That's why containers, that docker helps build and run, are made for!

It is a standard API to build and ship applications across diverse workloads. Whatever the server it is running on, your image should always construct the same isolated environment.

Moreover, it is way less expensive in resources (CPU, RAM) than a Virtual Machine, which acheives an isolation by reinstalling a whole OS.


We need to build a container image from the code in this repository. For this, the command docker build -t <image-name>:<version> . builds an image from a local recipe Dockerfile.

For example, for a simple python application, it could be:

FROM python:3.8

COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt


CMD ["python", ""]

You can find the complete Dockerfile reference here.

Here we have a webservice written in golang, running an HTTP server on the port 3000. It serves some static files (stored in /public), for the UI. You will mainly access it through a GET / for the UI, but there are other routes to manage the state of the app.


You can follow such a tutorial

  1. Write a Dockerfile. You need to start from a _base image, ideally with golang already installed.

  2. In the Dockerfile, download the microservice's dependencies. Since latest golang version, we only need go.mod and go.sum for this task.

  3. In the Dockerfile, build the microservice. You need the command go build for this.

  4. In the Dockerfile, add the public folder inside the container, in the same public folder.

    COPY ./public public
  5. When the container starts, run the microservice.

  6. Build a container image: docker build -t guestbook:v0.1.0 .

  7. Run the container.

    You need to expose the port of your application, which run on 3000. For this, you need to add the --publish <external-port>:<internal-port> to the docker run command.

    docker run --publish 3000:3000 guestbook:v0.1.0
  8. Check that the microservice responds to requests on You should see the following UI:

    Local guestbook no DB

  9. Optional: Implement some best practices, such as "multi-stage builds". It help reduce the size of your images, and increase security.

    The image you built so far is pretty large because it contains the entire Go toolkit. It's time to make it smaller. Much smaller. Here is what you need to do:

    1. Check to see how big your container image is.
    2. Change the go build command to make the binary statically linked (if you don't know what that means, just ask!).
    3. In your Dockerfile, create a second stage that starts from scratch.
    4. Copy the binary from the first stage to the second.
    5. In the second stage, run the microservice.
    6. Build your container image again.
    7. Check to see how big the image is now.


  • I can build an image locally
  • I can run a the container locally
  • I can access the web interface locally
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

You can find the complete solution here. Don't spoil yourself too much!

3. Run it locally with docker compose


You have a working local environment, however you already need to chain a few commands, and as your app will be growing more complex, the setup will be harder to maintain.

Instead of having to type an imperative chain of commands, you can have a declarative description of your local docker/container application. That's is why docker compose is made for: it reads this config and run the right docker commands for you.


We need to be able to launch the current container with only the docker compose up command.

The docker-compose.yaml file will contains everything needed:

  • how to build the image
  • how to run the container, including configuration of port
  • how to link it to another container
  • how to persist a storage


There is a get started article, or the complete specification

  • define your guestbook service
  • you can use the image you built, but you can also specify how to rebuild it!
  • don't forget to expose the port needed for your application


  • I can launch locally the application with docker compose up
  • I can see the UI in my brower at http://<handleGithub>
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

You should have something like:

version: '3'
      context: ./
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    - 3000:3000

4. Add a database to your service


If you test your app, you can see a big ⚠️ No database connection... ⚠️. Furthermore, when you try to add something to the guestbook, it hangs (⌛) without saving it (try to refresh the page).

The application is actually stateless, and needs a Redis backend to save its state. To avoid interfering with your local installation, we will run it in container, using once again docker and docker compose.


We simply need to add a new service in our docker-compose file, and have a way for the app to use it.


  1. Add a redis service in your app. Don't build redis locally, but use the public redis:7 image.

  2. Expose its redis port 6379.

  3. Make the guestbook app use it:

    The Guestbook app uses environment variable for its configuration. Here you need to setup the REDIS_HOST variable to the hostname of your redis cluster. In a docker-compose environment, each service can be called with its name.

  4. Try to run it: does the application store the state?

  5. (Optional) Make it persistent!

    Currently, if you save some sentences in the app, then run docker compose down and docker compose up again, you'll see that you will loose all your data! 😢

    You can manage volumes in docker-compose, which are persisted, and mount these volumes in your app. If you prefer, you can also link a local folder to a container, it can be useful for live reloading.


  • The application actually saves messages

    Local guestbook with DB

  • (Optional) If you run docker compose down, you don't loose data when you relaunch the app.

Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

You can find the complete solution here. Don't spoil yourself too much!

5. Deploy your app on Kubernetes: the Pod

If you are here, ask for a quick formation on Kubernetes. We will make a quick overview for everyone!


Now that we can run our application locally, we want to deploy it to Kubernetes, which is a container orchestrator.


We will start with the basics: a Pod. It is the basic unit to run something on Kubernetes. It is composed of one or several containers, running together.

Here an example of a Pod manifest:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  namespace: my-namespace
    foo: bar
    - name: my-container
      image: myapp:v1.0.0
      command: ['/bin/my-app']
      args: ['--migrate-db', '--db-host=']

You can save this kind of manifest into a file, for example manifests/pod.yaml, and then deploy it to Kubernetes with kubectl apply -f manifests/pod.yaml. If you have several files, you can also apply the whole folder.

You also have some basic Kubernetes commands to get informations about your pod.

kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod <my-pod>
kubectl logs <my-pod>

Take some time to learn a bit about pods.


  1. Write a pod.yaml file (the VSCode extension can help you with that)
  2. At minimum, you need a name and a first container definition, with its name and image. For the image, you can push the image to a public registry, or for kind add it to the cluster with kind load docker-image "${IMAGE}" --name padok-training. You can also use the following: dixneuf19/guestbook:v0.1.0.
  3. Try to deploy it, and launch the previous command
  4. If you need to delete it, use kubectl delete -f manifests/
  5. Take some time to play around with this object: what happens if you give a non existing image?
  6. Try to access your application with kubectl port-forward <my-pod> 3000:3000 --address


  • My pod is running: I can see its state and follow its logs
  • I have access to the Web UI with the port-forward
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

You should have something like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: guestbook
    app: guestbook
    project: dojo
  - name: guestbook
    image: dixneuf19/guestbook:v0.1.0
    - containerPort: 3000
      name: http

6. Manage replications and rolling update: Deployments


One pod is cool, but what if you want to deploy several instances of the same app, to avoid any downtime if a node fails?

That is the function of deployments: you declare a template of a Pod, with also a replication. It also helps you manage updates of your applications without any downtime.


Same as before, everything in Kubernetes is declarative. You can create a file, write a manifest into it and apply!

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  replicas: 3
      foo: bar
        foo: bar
        - name: my-container
          image: myapp:v1.0.0
            - containerPort: 3000

As for all kubernetes resources, here are generic useful commands:

kubectl get deployment
kubectl describe deployment <my-dep>


  1. Transform your current pod into a deployment. You need to put everything from Pod.spec to the Deployment.spec.template.spec.
  2. What are these "selector"? Can you modify them?
  3. Play along with replicas. Try to delete some pods.
  4. Modify something in you template, and watch closely the way your pods are replaced. Is there any downtime?


  • I can still access one of my replica with port-forward
  • I have listed or described my deployment
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: guestbook
  replicas: 3
      app: guestbook
      project: dojo
        app: guestbook
        project: dojo
      - name: guestbook
        image: dixneuf19/guestbook:v0.1.0
        - containerPort: 3000
          name: http

7. Expose your app internally


While you can access your app with port-forwarding, it is not very convenient. Moreover, since the app is stateless, we want to access any pod.

For a start, an internal access would be good enough. That is the job of Services, they provide an internal load balancing inside the cluster.


You start to know the drill: create a manifest and apply it.

Note that for services, you need to select your pods using their labels. The easy thing to do: just use the same labels used in your deployment to find its pods.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
    foo: bar
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8080

In the cluster, other pods will be able to call one the pod behind the service, just with

curl http://my-service # request one of the pods selected by the service
# if your pod run in a different namespace, you need to specify it

Here is the official documentation and some useful commands.

kubectl get services
kubectl describe service <my-svc>
kubectl port forward svc/<my-svc> 3000:80
# lets see on http://<handleGithub>


  1. Create the service manifest, set the correct labels and port and apply it!
  2. You are free to use the external port you want
  3. You can test if the service is functional with kubectl port-forward svc/<my-svc> <local-port>:<svc-port> --address
  4. Try to break your service: what happen if you set wrong labels ? Can you have a service pointing on multiple deployments?


  • I can access the UI using port-forwarding on the service
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

You can find the complete solution here. Don't spoil yourself too much!

8. Show it to the world: Ingress


Now that you have an internal load balancer, you want to expose your app to your friends. Thankfully, an Ingress Controller and its DNS are already setup for you, all traffic for * goes to your cluster

However, you need to tell the Ingress Controller where to route the request it receives, depending on its hostname or path. That is the job of the Ingress: it defines a route to the service you deployed before.


Create the manifest for an ingress and deploy it! The manifest looks like this

kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  annotations: /
    - host:
          - path: /blog
            pathType: Prefix
                name: my-service
                  number: 80

Here is the usual documentation and commands:

kubectl get ingress
kubectl describe ingress <my-ingress>
# visit


  1. Write a manifest and apply it. Choose a specific hostname for your app and your namespace if you share the cluster
  2. Try to access your app, do you have HTTPs ?
  3. Try to deploy your app on a subpath using the / annotation, or on a subdomain by modifying the path and host.


  • I can access the app from my navigator without a port forwarding
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

You can find the complete solution here. Don't spoil yourself too much!

9. Make it fail: probes


Our app is deployed, but is not very functional: we lack the redis for the storage! However, before deploying it, let's make it explicit that is does not work. When the redis is not set, the app should be failing. That way, someone can get the alert and fix the issue.

That is the job of Kubernetes probes: often doing an HTTP request, it asks continuously the application if it is still running.


This time we need to modify the manifest of our deployment! Read this article from Padok blog or documentation to learn how to set them.

Our app exposes its status at /healthz, if the application is not functional it will return a 5XX error.


  1. Modify your deployment and add probes to your main container. Which type of probes do you need ?
  2. Apply it. Is your application still available on the URL? It should not but rolling updates protects your. Ask a teacher about it.
  3. Remove the "zombie" pods. You can delete and apply back the deployment, but a more elegant solution is to scale down the replica set under the deployment (kubectl scale replicaset <my-rs> --replicas 0). You don't know what is a replicat set? Ask!
  4. Is your website still available? Does the HTTP error code makes sense?


  • All my pods are "notReady" or "Failing"
  • The website is down
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: guestbook
  replicas: 3
      app: guestbook
      project: dojo
        app: guestbook
        project: dojo
      - name: guestbook
        image: dixneuf19/guestbook:v0.1.0
        - containerPort: 3000
          name: http
            path: "/healthz"
            port: http
            path: "/healthz"
            port: http

10. Install a complex Redis app with Helm


We wan't to fix our app and give it some persistent storage. However, Redis is a stateful application, a bit more complex than our simple webservice. You could write your own manifests for its deployment, but we would certainly make some mistakes. Let's use what the community offers us!

Helm is a tool that helps us

  • Generate manifests from YAML templates. You can reduce the boilerplate of your code, reduce repetition etc...
  • Manage our deployments as "packages", and distribute or use remote packages made by the community.


The Helm documentation is quite good, but unless you have time, don't loose too much time on it.

We will only need one command, which installs or upgrades a release (ie a deployment package). We will use the redis chart from the bitnami repository, identified by its URL. Lastly, we will set one specific option, using a values.yaml file.

helm upgrade --install <release-name> <chart-name> --repo <repo-url> -f <path-of-values-file>


  1. We will use the Bitnami Redis chart, you can find its source code here.
  2. Create your values.yaml file. You only need to set architecture: standalone, but you can explore other options in the values.yaml of the repository.
  3. Deploy your release with the helm command:
    • You can name your release as you want, but if you name it the same name as the chart, the name of the resources will be shorter.
    • The chart you want to use is called redis
    • The Helm repository URL is
    • Don't forget to set your values file
  4. Explore what has been created: pods, deployments (why is there none ?), services, etc...


  • I have 1 redis pod running
  • I have one helm release deployed: helm ls
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

Simple run:

helm upgrade --install redis redis --repo --set architecture=standalone

11. Connect the app to Redis


Well, you absolutely want to have a guestbook for yourself no?


Your application use an Environment Variable to set the host to the Redis server, has you have done previously in the Docker-Compose file.

The official documentation is very clear! You need to find the path to your Redis. Since it is an internal call, you need to use the Service created by the Helm chart.

Once it is set correctly, your app should be Ready and you could access it from its public URL.


  1. Find the name of your Redis service. How should it be called from the pod?
  2. Update your Deployment manifest and apply it.
  3. Enjoy your application!


  • My pods are up and running
  • I can actually use the guestbook from its public URL
Compare your work to the solution before moving on. Are there differences? Is your approach better or worse? Why?

You can find the complete solution here. Don't spoil yourself too much!

12. To go further

This dojo is already quite long, but here are some ideas to continue the exercise and learn more about Kubernetes! Ask your teacher for more details on where to start, what to look for, etc...


Stop the local kind cluster:


Once you are done with this exercise, be sure to delete the containers you created:

docker ps --quiet | xargs docker stop
docker ps --quiet --all | xargs docker rm

I hope you had fun and learned something!


© 2022 Padok.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE)