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This is a mode for editting input files for the computer algebra software Magma in emacs.

It is based on the magma-mode written by Luk Bettale. The font-lock (syntax highlight) specifications were taken from this mode, as well as the interaction with a magma process through term-mode.

Suggestions and bug reports are welcome, please use the github issue tracker. Contributions are more than welcome, feel free to clone the dev branch and start hacking!

Installation instructions

With Melpa (regular usage)

magma-mode is on melpa, so you can install it with:

  1. M-x package-install magma-mode
  2. Add (require 'magma-mode) to your init file.

With Git (regular usage or contribution)

  1. Clone the repository in your favorite elisp folder
    cd $favoriteElispFolder
    git clone
  2. Make sure that the required packages f.el (library for managing filenames) and dash.el (library for managing lists) are installed.
  3. Add the following to your emacs init file :
    (add-to-list 'load-path "<FavoriteElispFolder>/magma-mode")
    (require 'magma-mode "<FavoriteElispFolder>/magma-mode/magma-mode.el")
    ;; Or simply (require 'magma-mode) if you aren't using any other magma-mode

Additional setup:

;; If you want to load the mode automatically with some file extensions
(setq auto-mode-alist
(append '(("\\.mgm$\\|\\.m$" . magma-mode))

If you want to use auto-completion against magma keywords, please see the next section.



A basic completion engine is provided, to be used in the magma editting window, or in a magma interactive buffer using comint.

At the moment, it provides completion based on a dictionary. A version of this dictionary is included, as well as a script to rebuild it if for some reason it does not match the names defined by Magma on your system.

This dictionary is updated with definitions from the current buffer, and from externally loaded files (using the load magma primitive).

Building a completion dictionary

The package is distributed with a file containing the names of functions and procedures built in magma.

If you should run into problems with this file (for example if you are running a different version of magma than me and they decided to rename half the functions in that update), you can follow the instructions below to rebuild the file.

The bin folder contains a script named It is very basic, and the usage is quite constrained.

The easiest case is the case where you are using emacs on a machine running magma.

In this case, follow these instructions:

  1. Find your magma installation directory;
  2. Place yourself in the magma-mode directory;
  3. Run the script:
    .../magma-mode$ bin/ $pathtomagma
  4. The completion table will be in data/magma_symbols.txt

In case you are running emacs on a different machine than the one running magma, the easiest way is to first create a fake documentation. Run the following on the magma machine:

cd $pathtomagma/doc/html
cat *.htm > ~/.magmadoc.htm

Then on the emacs machine:

mkdir -p .tmpmagma/doc/html
scp $magmamachine:.magmadoc.htm .tmpmagma/doc/html/
cd .tmpmagma

then follow the above instructions to build the completion table, but use ~/.tmpmagma/ as the path to the magma installation.

Afterwards, you can remove the directory .tmpmagma and the file magmadoc.htm.

Invoking the completion

In magma-mode and magma-comint-interactive-mode, the dictionary provides completion candidates for completion-at-point. In magma-comint-interactive-mode, completion-at-point is bound to TAB, and in magma-mode it is not bound to any key by default.

In magma-term-interactive-mode (with term-char-mode), completion is supported out of the box by magma itself.


Context-dependent completion is not supported at the moment.

The dictionary is only updated with function, procedure and intrinsics definitions. If there are requests to be able to complete variable names, it may be implemented in the future. However, without proper scoping, it would probably not be very useful.

Keymap and functions

Managing magma processes

C-c C-omagma-switch-to-interactive-buffer-same-framestart an interactive magma process, in the same frame and in a different window
C-c omagma-switch-to-interactive-bufferstart an interactive magma process in a different frame
C-c C-kmagma-killkill the magma process
C-c C-imagma-intinterrupt the magma process
C-c C-amagma-restartrestart the magma process

Evaluation of expressions

C-c C-emagma-evalsend the expression at point to the magma-process
C-c C-lmagma-eval-linesend the current line to the magma process
C-c C-rmagma-eval-regionsend the current region to the magma process
C-c C-bmagma-eval-buffersend the content of current buffer to the magma process
C-c C-umagma-eval-untilsend the content of the current buffer, until the point, to the magma process
C-c C-fmagma-eval-defunwith point in a function definition, send it to the magma process
C-c C-pmagma-eval-paragraphsend the current block to the magma process
C-c :magma-send-expressionprompt for an expression, send it to the magma process
C-c C-wmagma-show-wordevaluate the variable at point in the magma buffer
C-c hmagma-help-wordprompt for a symbol, and display the available documentation about that symbol in the magma buffer
C-c C-hmagma-help-word-browsersearches the online documentation

Additionally, all these functions take optional prefix arguments:

  • C-u 3 C-l : send the current line to the magma process number 3
  • C-u C-l : prompts for a magma process, and send the current line to this process
  • C-u C-u C-l : send the current line to all magma processes

The function magma-comint-send-now (not bound by default) is a bit special: it prompts for a value, then sends it to the magma evaluation buffer without waiting for the evaluation queue to be empty. It allows to send values to interactive prompts (read or readi) without switching buffers.


Name of the variableDefaultDetails
magma-completion-table-file.../data/magma_symbols.txtCompletion table from the documentation
magma-interactive-arguments\'()Arguments to pass to magma
magma-interactive-buffer-namemagmaName of the magma buffer
magma-interactive-programmagmaName of the magma program
magma-interactive-skip-empty-linesnilIf non nil, do not evaluate empty lines.
magma-interactive-skip-commentsnilIf non nil, do not evaluate comments.
magma-interactive-use-comintnilIf non nil, use comint instead of term.
magma-use-electric-newlinenilSee the “Extras” section below

Comint vs term

Term-mode will basically render the magma experience you would have in a regular terminal emulator, regardless of emacs. The buffer is read-only except for the prompt, C-p and C-n browse the history instead of scrolling the window, et caetera.

Another specificity of term-mode is that it intercepts some prefix keys, most notably C-c and C-x. For most purposes, C-x needs to be replaced with C-c. So for example, if you need to switch from your magma code buffer to the magma process buffer, then switch back, you’ll first press C-x o (other-window), then C-c o.

This can be changed by turning on term-line-mode (C-c C-j), but this changes the behavior of term-mode way beyond the mere interception of signal keys. To change back to the regular behavior, turn on term-char-mode (C-x C-k). Another option is to use C-c o (magma-switch-to-interactive-buffer-same-frame) instead of C-x o in the editting window.

On the other hand, comint-mode spawns an interactive process in a full-featured emacs buffer. You can scroll using the usual keys, you can edit the output of previous commands… It is mostly equivalent to term-mode with term-line-mode, but in my experience, it suffers from less minor bugs.

Another point to note is that term-mode sends input to a terminal, and magma is run in that terminal. Getting the whole thing to run under different systems (windows…) can prove tricky. On the other hand, comint starts the magma process directly from emacs, and does not depend on anything apart from emacs and magma.

As of today, term-mode is disabled by default and no longer maintained (it still works, but it won’t receive new features). It may be removed in the future, so please create an issue if your workflow absolutely requires that you use term-mode instead of comint.

Methods for sending input to the magma buffer

The magma-mode supports three ways of sending large blocks of input to the magma buffer, and this is controlled with the variable magma-interactive-method:

  • whole : the input is passed without any modification to the magma buffer;
  • expr : the input is cut in magma expressions, and then sent to the magma buffer;
  • line (default) : the input is sent to the magma buffer line-per-line.

This variable has no noticeable effect in most cases, but on very large inputs (for example magma-eval-buffer in a large buffer), sending the input as a whole will cause comint or term to cut the input at arbitrary locations, effectively confusing magma. Cutting at end of lines or end of expressions helps ensuring that what is sent to magma makes sense.

Additionally, the variable magma-interactive-wait-between-inputs controls whether we want to wait for magma to output before sending the next line of input. With the latest version, the default is t. If you experience a noticeable slowdown for large buffers, you can try setting it to nil.

Note that, if using comint and due to the way magma processes its input, if this option is set to nil, in the magma buffer, the results will no longer be correlated to their input.

The function magma-eval-buffer obeys to one more variable magma-interactive-use-load: if set to t, magma-eval-buffer will try to evaluate the buffer by sending load <filename>;.


All the features described in this section are disabled by default.

Support for extra modes

The file magma-extra.el provides support for various minor modes:

  • hs-minor-mode : folding of keywordend keyword; blocks. It probably will not work correctly in case the code is not syntactically correct (unclosed blocks);
  • imenu : implements the backend functions, so code navigation and which-function should work fine. At the moment, the defun syntax foo := function (bar)end function; is not supported;
  • smart-parens : partial support only, it is mainly a function trying to ensure that the second > in hom<A -> B > is matched to the opening <.

To use these features, simply turn the corresponding modes on.

Yasnippet snippets

magma-mode comes with a small collection of snippets. At the moment, we provide snippets for case, for, if, try, while, function, procedure, and load (with filename completion).

To use this, add the following to your init file:

(require 'magma-snippets)

Extra “electric” editting features

The following functions are available:

  • magma-insert-newline: inserts a visual newline in the buffer. It is a regular newline-and-indent in most situations, but if the point is in the middle of the string, it cuts the string in half before inserting the newline.

    Example: (the [] indicates the point)

    x := "a long sentence, really, a long sentence, [a]nd even a few more words";
    <RET> --->
    x := "a long sentence, really, a long sentence, "
    cat "and even a few more words";

    This shouldn’t change the way your code is evaluated.

  • magma-insert-special-newline=: inserts a “stronger” newline in the buffer. It is a regular newline-and-indent in most situations, but in a comment, it will assume that you want to continue the comment in the next line:
    // Comment []
    <C-RET> --->
    // Comment 
    // []

    and in a string, it will insert an explicit newline character:

    x := "a long sentence, really, a long sentence, [a]nd even a few more words";
    <RET> --->
    x := "a long sentence, really, a long sentence, \\n"
    cat "and even a few more words";"

Simply bind them to keys of your choice if you wish to use them. For example:

(define-key magma-mode-map (kbd "RET") #'magma-insert-newline)
(define-key magma-mode-map (kbd "C-RET") #'magma-insert-special-newline)

Initial file contents and file headers

We offer support for initial file contents and automatically updated headers. To use them, set the variables magma-initial-file and magma-file-header to either \'default (remove the backslash) or a function name, which then replaces the default function for inserting the default content or updating it.

Additionally, you should activate auto-insert for magma:

(add-hook 'magma-mode-hook 'auto-insert)

The header inserted by the default functions looks like this:

// Created: Sun Mar 16 13:31:33 2014
// Last modified: Thu Apr 17 11:35:26 2014
// Hash: bb0dadd0604bafdaa20282285c2d85ff
// load "filename.m";



  • Feature General support of intrinsics, including:
    • Indentation
    • Syntax coloring
    • Loading in the interactive buffer using attach (not automatic so far)
  • Feature Entries for types and record formats in imenu
  • Feature Support for file-name transformation for remote execution
  • Feature Support for beginning-of-defun and end-of-defun
  • Bugfix Broken indentation with function or intrinsic names matching keywords up to capitalization
  • Bugfix Broken indentation with function names containing keyword
  • Bugfix Better detection of whether we are or not in a function
  • Bugfix Completion not working due to misformed defvars
  • Bugfix Error when trying to write completion file in a non-existent directory


  • Feature The list of symbols is now provided


  • Bugfix Indentation errors with subword-mode on on older versions of emacs
  • Bugfix When sending input in a magma buffer where point is not on input line, output would become garbled
  • Bugfix Calling up the magma buffer when it is in another frame now moves point to that frame, instead of bringing the magma buffer in one of the windows of the current frame
  • Bugfix Emacs would hang (infinite loop) if magma fails to start


  • Bugfix Indentation after while and for now respects magma-indent-basic
  • Bugfix Indentation errors with subword-mode on
  • Bugfix Wrong indentation for parameters with a type specification


  • Bugfix magma-close-block works more reliably now

2016-03-03 (hotfix)

  • Bugfix Error in magma-scan if the buffer is encoded with dos end of lines


  • Bugfix Error in process filter if the buffer is too short
  • New feature Emacs now attempts to set the working directory of magma (accessible through GetWorkingDirectory(), relevant for load instructions). This will be either magma-default-directory if not nil, or the directory of the buffer if the buffer has a file, or the user’s home directory. When running magma on a remote system with a different filesystem, you will probably have to set magma-default-directory to a non-nil value.
  • Change magma-default-directory now defaults to nil (instead of the user’s home directory).


  • Bugfix Sometimes some text would get stuck before the prompt, and the magma buffer would hang
  • Bugfix Cleaner detection of the deleted reecho (print "> "; should work as expected now)
  • Change Electric newline features are no longer controlled by a variable, bind the keys manually if you wish to use them. (The original behavior was making it too hard for a user to bind the keys to some other function in the global keymap)

2015-07-11 (hotfix)

  • Bugfix Evaluation would miss the semicolon for lines not ending with a newline

2015-07-08 (hotfix)

  • Bugfix The SMIE parser was failing to jump from inside sexps.


  • Bugfix The SMIE parser was failing to jump over sexps
  • Bugfix During evaluation, stripped comments were added to the kill-ring
  • Bugfix Indent repeat ... until statements
  • Bugfix On some occasions, empty lines would cause the evaluation to hang
  • Bugfix Compilation errors. Support for smartparens is improved.
  • Bugfix The parser would misbehave at the beginning of the buffer
  • Bugfix Safer completion when point is inappropriate


  • Bugfix Indentation for the arguments or printf and vprintf
  • Bugfix Improved performance in some indentation/parsing helpers
  • Bugfix Users were prompted for a void auto-insert
  • Bugfix Keybindings not matching the documentation


  • Bugfix When magma-interactive-method is set to line and several instructions are on the same line, C-c C-e will evaluate them all.
  • Bugfix Minor formatting tweaks for the timer on the modeline


  • New feature Mode-line indicator for interactive buffer now shows whether the buffer is ready or running some computation. If running, also show the time since last input was sent.
  • New feature Errors in the interactive buffer are highlighted and link back to the source. (Note: this feature is still experimental, in particular source file name detection still does not work in all cases)
  • New feature Added the function magma-comint-send-now
  • Change In some situations, the magma interactive buffer failed to acknowledge that it is ready for more input. It should happen more rarely now. If it still happens, as a workaround, C-c C-i (magma-int) will now force the input queue to be emptied.
  • Change Indentation in parenthesed structures is more consistent.
  • Change magma-working-buffer-number can be set as a file local variable, and its value is assumed to be safe if it is a number, a char or a string. If it is a symbol, the user is prompted to confirm that it is a safe value, and the symbol is evaluated.
  • Bugfix Indentation after, and inside <...>
  • Bugfix Changing the working buffer locally was not easy, now there is a function magma-set-working-buffer-locally.
  • Bugfix magma-eval-until would evaluate up to the next expression if point was at the end of an expression.
  • Bugfix Evaluation functions no longer push the comments in the evaluated region to the kill ring.


  • Change comint-mode is made the default mode
  • Change Step-by-step evaluation mechanism changed, no more hardcoded waiting time between instructions
  • Bugfix Incorrect indentation in some situations
  • Bugfix Performance improvement when scanning the buffer for new completion candidates (noticeable in the interactive buffer)
  • Bugfix The smie parser was unable to get out of strings
  • Bugfix was ignoring some functions


  • Package added on melpa


  • Initial release


An emacs major-mode for editing magma files






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