A Social Network app running and developing on Holochain and Angular7
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
At a minimum you will need to have the binaries for the holochain conductor installed on your system. See the official installation instructions.
Be sure to use the 0.0.10 alpha2 release.
From the project root run the helper script
npm run hc:start
or alternatively to call the conductor directly
holochain -c ./conductor-config.toml
If you want to try and connect to other nodes this also requires the holochain networking library n3h.
Instructions for networking can be found in the conductor config file.
Building the DNA also requires that the holochain developer CLI, hc
, is installed. You can run the helper script
npm run hc:build
or use the CLI directly
mkdir -p dna
cd dna-src
hc package --strip-meta -o ../dna/holoster.dna.json