Hackathon recycling app made for DBS Paradigm Shift
Recycler Extreme, a recycling app that enables friends and families to encourage each other to recycle through a gamification platform.
Recycler Extreme was the Finalist at the DBS pShift Hackathon. Recycler Extreme App Installation(via apk)
What’s unique about Recycler Extreme is that it instructs users on how to recycle various materials and tracks what is being recycled using Google Lens. Additionally, the map functions allow users to indicate to each other where the recycling bins are. The application will then guide users to the nearest recycling station. As this app was designed to help improve recycling with DBS reward schemes, we aim to build a community spirit in the recycling efforts. This is through a group chat platform to remind and encourage each other to recycle!
The recycler extreme app showcases the Firebase MLKit object detection and image labelling api from Google Firebase.
The Multiplayer and Location app will showcase the multiplayer chatrooms
and location tagging of bins and fellow players. Uses the Google Location Api.
Recycler Extreme App Installation(via apk) Both apks are installed the same way on an android phone.
Download apk from link into phone. Download apk from link into phone. Place apk in an accesible android phone folder. Place apk in an accesible android phone folder. @@ -21,5 +20,11 @@ Tap on apk to install and allow all.