Email Me The Notes is something that I made to help people easily collect class notes. This is to help students get all the material they need at their fingertips without having to look for classmates to source for other files!
- I got most of what I need working (AND STABLE) but over time if this gets more popular I definitely would need to change a lot (Handling better of users/file storage). So consider this a run to see if anyone would fund this if not enjoy this open source project!
- Feel free to modify and edit the code with updates and things to help my code that is pretty much a stackoverflow nightmare! If you also can't code or such feel free to make an issues request!
Me (ThisJackRN) Twitter (This has nothing to do with coding)
If for some reason in the future you want to support me I'll make probably one of those buymeacoffee account (i don't even like coffee) most of the money would go towards server cost and such. but for now no need I got a year of this for free so gotta cook yknow...