Java code for creating custom Producer and Consumer group demonstrating message passing in Kafka.
- Java JDK 8 (1.8)
- Zookeeper
- Kafka >= 2.0
- Linux/Windows
- Maven
Ensure that Zookeeper & Kafka servers are up and running ( Open in separate terminal windows if necessary ).
Command to start Zookeeper config/
Command to start Kafka server config/
After cloning this repo,
- Run the maven
clean install
mvn clean install
Maven will now generate a target
directory with the jar kafka-1.0-shaded.jar
- Move into the
cd target
- Run the kafka console consumer in another terminal window with the following
parameters --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic firstTopic --group my-third-application
- Execute the ProducerDemo class from the shaded jar
java -cp kafka-1.0-shaded.jar com.github.thomas.kafka.ProducerDemo
- You should now be able to see the output in your Kafka console consumer terminal.
- Execute the ConsumerDemo class from the shaded jar
java -cp kafka-1.0-shaded.jar com.github.thomas.kafka.ConsumerDemo
- Run the kafka console producer in another terminal window with the
parameter. --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic firstTopic
- You should now be able to see the output in your Kafka consumer terminal. ( Step 1 )
- Execute the ProducerDemo class from the shaded jar
java -cp kafka-1.0-shaded.jar com.github.thomas.kafka.ProducerDemo
- Execute the ConsumerDemo class from the shaded jar
java -cp kafka-1.0-shaded.jar com.github.thomas.kafka.ConsumerDemo
- You should now the see the output in your Consumer terminal.
This repository is under Apache License 2.0 - see License for more details
This was inspired by Stephane Maarek. Check out his Apache Kafka Series course