Set class files to strict types
Implement #78: ParentNode::$childElementCount
Implement #80: allow to remove namespace attributes
Add inheritance to Node interfaces
DocumentFragment implements the ParentNode interface
DOM Element::setAttribute() has not return value (in W3C standard)
Add Clark Notation to elements:
Add Clark Notation to attributes:
Fix cdata section support for BadgerFish serializer
Let \FluentDOM\Exception interface extend \Throwable
Rename DOM\ChildNode::replace() to replaceWith() (DOM LS standard), keep replace for BC but mark as deprecated
DOMCDATASection implements DOMText change condition order to fix handling in XMLWriter::collapse().
Add constraint for node classes, FluentDOM\Utility\Constraints::assertNodeClass()
Add: JsonDOM example with mapping array node name
Fix phpdoc annotations
Cleanup code and fix inspections
Add missing unit tests
Thanks to @thewilkybarkid for his contributions.