I want to create a collection of hands on tips how to secure computers (focus on software engineering, some hardware, less administration).
Tips should be independent chapters for the smart engineer-without-security-knowledge.
As soon as the the gains momentum I hope i will get several specialized co-authors and create an anthology.
Authors should get a fair amount of credit (from listing names up to a short bio for larger contributions)
License is: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
I want to sell the book as well as EBook. And hope to get some money for my "war chest" to be able to push it even further (hard copy ?).
My private goals:
- Collect my knowledge and sort the ideas to untangle the knots in my brain :-)
- Help other engineers to create products with at least "good" security level
- Guide me when learning new technology: Learn - Hands On - TEACH cycle. Where this book is part of TEACH
What I can NOT do:
- Go deep in some special topics. There are better books for that. Those will be linked to the chapters.
This book will be on: https://leanpub.com/buildingcomputersecurity
Font: https://www.freejapanesefont.com/zin-hena-bokuryu-calligraphy-font-download/ https://www.freejapanesefont.com/nagayama-kai-calligraphy-font-download/
sudo apt install mscgen
aspell --lang=EN_UK --word-list-path=./aspell -c manuscript/appendix/glossary.txt
Vale is a smarter spellchecker with additional writing guides.
vale manuscript/teaching/*.txt
Dicts is in vale_styles/spelling. The ignore list is there as well.
Diagrams: Zenuml.com