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TiVoHomeUser edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 5 revisions

If you download the source as a .zip file extract the files into a folder with the name WX_LED_Sectional to use with the Arduino IDE

Because of the limited Memory (RAM) and lack of a garbage collector I am avoiding using Strings and other Class / functions that cause memory fragmentation the WX download needs 30000 bytes of continuous memory to succeed so if it is not going to change put it in eeprom.

The *.h files are not really ‘c’ style header files they started as .ino then a change, update and/or something I did to the Arduino IDE broke that. Renaming the files to something else like .txt the Arduino editor ignored them. The workaround was to use the .h extension and as a bonus the compiler now assembles them in order of the #include not alphabetically.

Code should compile as is by putting all files in the WX_LED_Sectional folder using the Arduino IDE with included Libraries:

Libraries needed are
  ESP8266WiFi		(Board Manager. Type "ESP8266" in the text box to search and install the ESP8266 software for Arduino IDE.)
  ESP8266mDNS 		(part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment)
  ESP8266WebServer 	(bundled with the version of Arduino IDE)
  - FastLED by Daniel Garica

 to use autoconnect
  - WiFiManager by tzapu,tablatronix

  for TSL2561 light sensor
   - Adafruit TSL2561 by Adafruit

Breakdown of files
  WX_LED_Sectional.ino   Main Arudino sketch with Setup and Loop
  WX_LED_Sectional.h     Support for Main
  setup.h                Individual Setup functions 
  LEDString.h            LED string and associated functions
  metars.h               WX download 
  utilities.h            My utilities functions designed to limit memory usage

Unique information related to you're map
  credentials.h          WiFi name and password
  user_settings.h        Location settings METAR Stations ID, number of LEDS etc

For the Web pages
  rootPage.h             Home page ie http://wx_sectional.local/
  stationPage.h          Station / Button table page 
  testPage.h             Calls for the ID and test function  
  notFoundPage.h         404 Message
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