This repository contains code for weakening GR(1) specifications via Inductive Logic Programming. The code utilises Python 3.10.11 and the old functionality lies in the file
Currently, the project entails multiple functionalities for experimentation, testing & future work.
Most of this repo continues the work of "Adapting Specifications for Reactive Controllers", available here.
In order to run the code it is necessary to install the following:
Set macro PATH_TO_CLI at beginning of
A new version of Potassco's Clingo tool should be installed. As mentioned on the website, you may install it via conda or pip, but you will see the following message:
> clingo -v
clingo version 5.6.2
Configuration: with Python 3.11.0, without Lua
The installation with Lua is mandatory for our usage, so conda won't work for us. Instead, we will either install it from source, or, much easier, use your machine's installer.
Using apt
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:potassco/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install clingo
Using Homebrew
brew install clingo
Download the appropriate version of the ILASP learner from their releases page.
Download the appropriate version of the FastLAS learner from their releases page.
It's a tool that allows us to process ltl as strings, and has many uses in the repair tool. To install it, follow its installation instruction on its page. For ease though:
# Make sure to update the link to the latest version on their website.
cd ~/Downloads # You may delete this later
tar -xf spot-2.11.6.tar.gz
cd spot-2.11.6/
# ./configure --prefix /path/to/your/tools
./configure # use the one above for more control over installation directory
make check # Only to test it works
make install
Change macro SETUP_DICT at beginning of to reflect your system setup. This should indicate whether your system utilises Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as well as the paths for clingo and ILASP.
Before any of the scripts within the /scripts
directory may be run, the packages within spec_repair
have to be
locally pip installed, as explained in this
using the following command within the main project directory:
pip install -e .
Documentation on each of the scripts' main purpose.
The repair_spec
script, given an LTL specification written in Spectra and a log of a supposed assumption violation,
the command will return a repair version of the specification, which does not allow the same violation as before.
Example usage:
python repair_spec -s <spec_path> -t <trace_log_path> [-o <repaired_spec_path>]
Given a specification and a stronger version of this specification, the choices_walker
attempt to run all possible choices within the specification repair pipeline, assuming
the pipeline allows manual choices to be made.
It is recommended to capture the output of the walker, since it contains information that can be used to process statistics with.
Example usage:
python choices_walker > choices_output.txt
Given the printed output text of a choices_walker
script, process_statistics
extract a .csv file containing rows of information for each choice.
This script is useful in extracting meaningful statistics about the possible
outcomes of the specification repair run.
Example usage:
python process_statistics -i choices_output.txt -o choices_statistics.csv
Given the path to all possible semantically-distinct repaired specifications that have been
produced in the runtime of choices_walker
, visualise_resulting_specs
allows the generation of
trees of entailment between specifications. The entailment is based on whether a specification's
assumption, guarantee or GR(1) formula is weaker than the other's.
Example usage:
python visualise_resulting_specs
Given the paths of all possible choices, visualise_tree
generates a simplified version
of the tree of choices that were taken, and the resulting states and repaired specs that
those choices led to
Example usage:
python visualise_tree