Making a Godbound character creator for fnu!
- Attributes point buy
- Roll attributes
- Calculate attribute checks
- Fact field
- List of words (0..N)
- Calculate word attribute scores?
- Choose words
- Calculate word attribute scores?
- Give 2 pp per word, only the 3 first words
- Choose start level
- Buy Gifts
- 1 pp per lesser Gift per bound Word or unbound Gift
- 2 pp per greater Gift per bound Word
- 2 pp per lesser Gift per unbound Word
- 3 pp per new bound Word
- 1 pp per lesser Gift per bound Word or unbound Gift
- Calculate saving throws
- Take armor into consideration
- Take armor into consideration Floryd style?
- Weapons
- Calculate weapon damage
- Calculate weapon attribute modifier
- Choose Fray die
- AC
- Calculate AC original style
- Calculate AC Floryd style
- Calculate max Hitpoints
- Calculate Level from XP and Dominion
- Limit Influence
- Leveling up
- Level up GUI
- What happens
- HP
- Effort
- Influence
- Saving throws
- Facts
- PP
- Refound pp fee for gifts in new words, if applicable
- If Apothosis is used, add Gift depending on level
- What happens
- Level up GUI