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3D Viper Maze

Screenshot of the opening screen

A fun project for Octojam 7. Challenge: write a game for the illustrious Chip-8 platform in the month of October.

To play:

3D Viper Maze has been featured on:

(If you like this, you may also like my watered-down version of this game that can run on the Cosmac VIP from 1977!)

The concept

3D Viper Maze is (obviously) an homage to the Sinclair ZX81 game 3D Monster Maze from 1981. That game was released just three years after the specification for Chip-8 was published, so it's from around the same era. In honour of the first computer that ran Chip-8, the Cosmac VIP, and its related magazine, the VIPer, I figured it was time for a viper version of 3D Monster Maze. With a few twists of my own.

3D Viper Maze is not a game with an endless supply of randomly generated mazes, like its namesake. Instead, it has handcrafted levels with vipers, coins and buttons. Your challenge, if you accept it: to find the exit in each maze, while collecting all the coins, in a series of ever more difficult puzzles.

A big thanks to

  • @JohnEarnest for quick answers to Octo related questions and fixing a :org bug in Octo 🐜
  • @mirandavdende for helping with level design and listening to me whining 😉
  • @srekke for helping with musical inspiration 🎶

Development notes


Of course I initially wanted to use my own toolchain for Chip-8, but unfortunately I wanted to borrow a few instructions from both SuperChip and XO-Chip for this game. And my toolchain does not support those yet. Adding those extensions now would take away precious spare time from working on the actual game 😉 So I decided to work with Octo instead.

When the game got too large and too complicated for a single file, I wrote a Bash script to recombine the files from the src, data and screens directories in the right order. I thought about using the Octo command line mode to assemble the result into a binary, but I figured pasting the un-assembled code into the Octo editor and clicking "Run" was actually easier than having to load the binary file. So the build script generates the 3dvipermaze.8o file and then just copies that to the clipboard (on MacOS, at least).

Other than that I have made heavy use of GIMP for all of the pixel art.

Keeping the pace

One of the things I hope to accomplish with this project is to have (a version of) it run on the hardware from the period*. Or as I don't have the hardware: in an emulator. So when I started making this game I thought: how can I keep this below, let's say, 30 cycles per frame and still run smoothly?

The best way to quickly show full screens of bitmaps is to use the original low resolution of 64x32 pixels, but use the SCHIP 16x16 sprites. This way you only have to draw eight sprites to fill up the screen. The choice was quickly made to have sprites with four colours, because with XO-Chip you basically get that for "free", cycles-wise. Of course, this isn't really compatible with the original Chip-8. So on pure Chip-8 I would have to draw 32 8x8 monochrome sprites to achieve the same result. That will definitely be noticeable. But I really don't mind to see the image build up on the screen, in fact I think it's nicely nostalgic, as long as it's somewhat playable.

So this got me started. Eight 16x16 sprites results in four columns of two sprites each, that I have to select the right images for. I only have to do the calculations once per column, because the top and bottom images are somewhat symmetrical. And I was thinking: if the calculations turn out to be the most expensive part in the pure Chip-8 version, I can render a column of 8 times 8x8 sprites at once if I keep the same logic. If the rendering turns out to be the slow bit, I can consider switching to eight columns instead of four so you get more feedback during the rendering.

I was quite happy with my first implementation of the 16x16 rendering code, and the binary decision trees that I implemented for finding the right sprites. It purred along quite nicely at 20 or 30 cycles per frame.

That is, until I decided to add music and sound effects.

*) This project can be found at

Music to my ears

Doing music in XO-Chip is weird. You load a "sample" using the audio command, that gets played 4000 times per second when the buzzer value is non-zero. But since you can not read back the value of buzzer, you can't use that for timing. You need to use the delay timer to know when to load the next note. This means that playing music in your game "eats up" both the buzzer and delay special registers, and I wanted to do more things in parallel that are time sensitive. Also, since there's no such thing as interrupts in Chip-8, you have to continuously check in your main loop if the delay timer has run out yet, and adjust the buzzer accordingly.

The human ear is much less forgiving than the human eye. So to keep the audio playing smoothly without any stuttering, I had to crank up the cycles per frame to 100. I call the clock-tick routine that checks if we need to play the next note yet in all loops that do anything with waiting for keypresses or creating delays. I call it in between each rendered column. Otherwise it simply takes too long between checks and you start to hear the stutter. But still, I had to go to 100 cycles per frame to get it to sound nice.

Because I wanted to do other time sensitive things "in parallel" I had to implement software timers for different things. Sound is playing, text is blinking, vipers are "thinking". Each of these is a virtual delay timer, which gets updated by one real delay timer. Adding this meant I had to bump up the cycles per frame even further.

But that's okay, I figured. The original Chip-8 spec doesn't have sound anyway, so if I ever end up making a version for the hardware from the period I'll just remove all the magic that has to do with sound and we'll be fine.

In the end, I'm quite happy with the music routines I wrote. They seem pretty robust now, and allow you to play a "background score" and interject short little jingles as sound effects. I'm pretty pleased with that, and I think it really adds to the overall game vibe. If you'd like to use my code, feel free to take a peak at the stand-alone version of it.

Pointing down

Octo can't reference labels that haven't been defined yet in macros. You can do these things:

  jump label-below
  label-below            # this is a 'call'
  i := label-below       # 12-bit load into index register
  i := long label-below  # 16-bit load into index register
  :unpack 0 label-below  # 12-bit load into v0-v1 registers

: label-below

But you can't do these things:

:macro pointer ADDRESS {
  :byte { ADDRESS >> 8 }
  :byte { ADDRESS }

:macro unpack-long ADDR {
  :calc hi { 0xFF & ADDR >> 8 }
  :calc lo { 0xFF & ADDR }
  v0 := hi
  v1 := lo

  pointer label-below      # 16-bit 'put address in RAM here'
  unpack-long label-below  # 16-bit load into v0-v1 registers

: label-below

This is a very understandable limitation, but also a pretty annoying one. Mainly because in my game I have maps with triggers. You walk somewhere specific in the game and something happens. So my maps use pointers to point to subroutines that make the "something" happen. But one of the things that often needs to happen is to switch to a new map when you hit the finish. At first I used these trigger routines to define which map should come next, so some trigger routines would reference maps too. Creating a cyclic reference, in a world that can only point up to things it's already seen.

At first I solved this by using pointer trigger-routine in my map definitions to put the address of the relevant trigger subroutine in RAM. And the trigger routines then loaded a new map by using :unpack 0 new-map before calling a map loading routine. Sure, this works, but the native :unpack only supports 12-bit addresses. We need a macro like unpack-long to be able to address places in memory above 3.5K. But that can't do forward references, because it's a macro.

So for a while I feared that my map definitions would have to live in executable code space, severely limiting either the amount of code or the number of maps the game can have. However, when implementing the stats screen where you can choose to go on to the next level or return to the previous one, I realised that it would be much easier to use a pointer next-map in the meta-data of the current map. This way I did not have to juggle with pointers to maps in the code that handles this screen, and it solved my 12-bit limit almost as a by-product.

The only downside is that my maps are now in memory in reverse order, each one referencing back up to the next. I guess arbitrary limitations really do make us creative 😉

So many bitmaps

One of the things that surprised me was just how many bitmaps I had to draw, import and pick the right ones from at the right times to achieve the faux 3D effect. My first instinct was to draw 8-pixel wide columns that each represent a hallway at a specific depth. So we could have four depths (four columns on the left, four on the right). But looking at 3D Monster Maze and trying out different drawings, I realised that this would look incredibly bad.

In real life, things get smaller as they get further away. So the same segment of wall should look much less wide at a distance than close up.

Trying out different drawings I realised that six levels of depth looked best, each getting smaller and smaller as they disappeared into the distance. But having six levels that all look different also means I could not re-use drawings for different depths and that there are a hell of a lot of permutations. Even when the engine and the drawings were well under way, I would still find edge cases that I hadn't yet drawn an image for.

To make all of this easier for myself, I set up two systems that I'm pretty happy with.

First, I gave up messing with bytes after a couple of minutes and started drawing actual images. I have a script that cuts up PNG files in 16x16 sprites and converts them to text files in a format that Octo understands. It does this using ImageMagick and some Bash magic. If the image hasn't changed, the text file doesn't get updated. After that, I have a script that takes all the text files with image data and combines them into one big file. These scripts have become part of my build pipeline. So if I edit an image, I just have to rebuild the project and the image gets cut up, converted, combined and included into the program. So much luxury for just a few simple Bash scripts!

The second thing I did was to not try to hard-code the decisions that needed to be made to select the right image. Again, I started with the naive approach of having a bunch of nested ifs, and quickly realised that this was not going to scale. So I came up with a data structure that defines those decisions, and a few macros to make it more legible:

: nodes-column-one
#        X Y  no wall   wall
  coord -1 0  c1node 3  c1node 1   # node 0
  coord  0 1  c1node 2  c1leaf 3   # node 1
  coord -1 1  c1node 9  c1leaf 0   # node 2
  coord  0 1  c1leaf 1  c1node 4   # node 3
  coord -1 1  c1node 5  c1leaf 4   # node 4
  # Et cetera

This is the start of the decision tree for the left-most column of 16 pixels. The data structure tells us that the first thing we'll look at is the spot to the left of the player (the player is at coordinate 0,0). If there's a wall there, we go to the next node in the list. If there's no wall there, we go to the fourth node in the list (node 3). Until finally we hit a leaf in the tree, which is a pointer to one of the images, in a long list of images:

: leafs

  # Column 1
  pointer hall-0+0+0      # leaf 0
  pointer hall-1+0+0      # leaf 1
  pointer hall-2+0+0      # leaf 2
  pointer wall-1+0+0      # leaf 3
  # Et cetera

This allowed me to keep track of things, without going too insane. Adding new images and new decision paths is relatively easy to do. At least a lot easier than it would have been to change hard-coded if statements. And if the time ever does comes that we really do need the speed boost, I'm sure we could generate those statements from these trees.

Confronted with reality

As these things often go, the ambition is greater than the amount of available time. Unfortunately I was not able to make as many levels as I wanted, nor give every level its own special background music. Most of the map triggers are now pretty standard, so having a separate subroutine for each one doesn't really make sense anymore. That could do with a refactor to make things easier. Also, I would have liked to add the feature of truly hidden hallways in the sense that you can't see them in the game, but you can "push through" anyway. That would have made for some interesting secrets.

And of course there are the usual time versus quality trade-offs in the last pieces of code I wrote. The viper AI and the text routines are kinda sloppy, with some weird edge-cases here and there. But it's good enough for the final product, and at least it all seems to be stable.

The most obvious thing missing that I wanted to do is make a pure Chip-8 version of this game. Unfortunately I didn't find the time to do so in October, and after October the Octojam was finished. But I took on that project a couple of months later, which resulted in 3D VIP'r Maze 😉

If you have read this far, thanks for showing an interest in my archaic hobby project and good luck with your own!