This is the first tsearch
- Added templates to repository
- added list.config to store all engines, queries and programs options, optimized tsearch and dmenu launcher by awk scripts
- Added dependencies to tsearch readme
- Added makefile to tsearch
- Added licence file to tsearch
- Added licence to tsearch scripts
- Created README and added hackaday engine
- added listing function + fixed argument checking
- added info about config file on help
- added argument to list engines/programs available
- added simple instructions to fill search options file
- added option to get values by especifing path [tsearch] implemeted yaml config file
- fixed problem related to shell not supporting substitution command
- Imported tsearch from tinytools repository
- Updated tsearch README
- initial program default is the system default (xdg-open)
- made sure that clipboard term doesn't break li as dmenu option
- implemented function do get keys in a specific node of yaml file
- tweaks on yaml parser
- tested listing items by external file
- Improved the dmenu launcher, being now able to optionally choose the program and engine to search
- tested listing items by external file
- Improved the dmenu launcher, being now able to optionally choose the program and engine to search
- removed local script execution
- Removed unecessary files