Overall structure of the LPUWF-LDM:
Comparison of generating late-phase UWF-FA between different generation networks:
Comparison of generative metrics for various generation networks.:
This code is the pytorch implementation of LPUWF-LDM
- Linux
- numpy==1.26.3
- torch==2.0.0+cu118
- tqdm==4.66.2
- accelerate==0.27.2
- monai==1.3.0
- PyYAML==6.0.1
- natsort==8.4.0
- monai-generative==0.2.3
- lpips==0.1.4
- tensorboard==2.15.1
We take 4 pairs images in training set and 3 pairs in validation set to be an example. They are already lied in the directory "./data". For a pair, x.bmp means UWF-SLO, x.1.bmp and x.2.bmp means early-phase late-phase UWF-FA, respectively.
The position of config for training vae is in the directory: "config/vae/config_monaivae_zheer.py"
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Config():
train_bc = 1
eval_bc = 2
num_epochs = 2000
data_path = ['data/train']
eval_path = 'data/test'
single_channel = True
mode = 'double'
val_length = 2000
# train process configuration
val_inter = 80
save_inter = 100
sample_size = (512, 512)
# model parameters
in_channels = 1
out_channels = 1
up_and_down = (128, 256, 512)
num_res_layers = 2
vae_path = '' # set it if you want to continue training
dis_path = '' # Example: weights/exp_X_XX/gen_save/vae.pth
autoencoder_warm_up_n_epochs = 100
# accelerate config
split_batches = False
mixed_precision = 'fp16'
log_with = 'tensorboard'
project_dir = 'weights/exp_test'
gradient_accumulation_steps = 1
vae_path and dis_path is for the continue training. project_dir to save current results. To train the c-vae, run the command:
python my_vqvae/train_cvae.py
The position of config for training vae is in the directory: "config/diffusion/config_zheer_controlnet.py"
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Config():
train_bc = 1
eval_bc = 2
num_epochs = 1000
data_path = ['data/train']
eval_path = 'data/test'
single_channel = False
mode = 'double'
val_length = 2000
# train process configuration
val_inter = 100
save_inter = 100
sample_size = 512
# aekl parameters
in_channels = 1
out_channels = 1
up_and_down = (128, 256, 512)
num_res_layers = 2
scaling_factor = 0.18215
vae_resume_path = '' # Example: weights/exp_X_XX/gen_save/vae.pth
# stable_model parameters
sd_num_channels = (128, 256, 512, 1024)
attention_levels = (False, False, True, True)
sd_resume_path = '' # Example: weights/exp_X_XX/model_save/model.pth
controlnet_path = '' # Example: weights/exp_X_XX/model_save/controlnet.pth
# controlnet_model parameters
conditioning_embedding_num_channels = (32, 96, 256)
diff_loss_coefficient = 0.25
offset_noise = True
# accelerate config
split_batches = False
mixed_precision = 'fp16'
log_with = 'tensorboard'
project_dir = 'weights/exp_X_XX'
In this stage, remember to set the vae_resume_path that is previously train. project_dir to save the results in this stage. To train, run the command:
python diffusion/LPUWF_LDM.py
To train in this stage, set the parameter sd_resume_path and controlnet_path according to the previous training directory. Run the command:
python diffusion/LPUWF_LDM_late.py