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QuerySage-AI Data Dictionary

1. User

Attribute Data Type Description
UserID Integer Unique identifier for each user
Username String User's login name
Email String User's email address
CreatedAt DateTime Timestamp of account creation
LastLogin DateTime Timestamp of last login

2. Query

Attribute Data Type Description
QueryID Integer Unique identifier for each query
UserID Integer Foreign key to User table
NaturalLanguageQuery Text The original query in natural language
TranslatedQuery Text The query translated to SQL or analysis instructions
QueryType Enum (Database, CSV, JSON) Type of data source for the query
CreatedAt DateTime Timestamp of query creation
LastExecuted DateTime Timestamp of last execution

3. DataSource

Attribute Data Type Description
SourceID Integer Unique identifier for each data source
SourceName String Name of the data source
SourceType Enum (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, CSV, JSON) Type of the data source
ConnectionString String Connection details (for databases)
FilePath String File path (for CSV/JSON files)
CreatedAt DateTime Timestamp of data source creation
LastConnected DateTime Timestamp of last successful connection

4. QueryResult

Attribute Data Type Description
ResultID Integer Unique identifier for each query result
QueryID Integer Foreign key to Query table
ResultData JSON Query results in JSON format
ExecutionTime Float Time taken to execute the query (in seconds)
RowsAffected Integer Number of rows affected or returned
CreatedAt DateTime Timestamp of result creation

5. QueryHistory

Attribute Data Type Description
HistoryID Integer Unique identifier for each history entry
UserID Integer Foreign key to User table
QueryID Integer Foreign key to Query table
Action Enum (Execute, Preview, Edit) Type of action performed
Timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the action

6. SystemSettings

Attribute Data Type Description
SettingID Integer Unique identifier for each setting
SettingName String Name of the setting
SettingValue String Value of the setting
Description Text Description of the setting's purpose
LastModified DateTime Timestamp of last modification

7. ErrorLog

Attribute Data Type Description
LogID Integer Unique identifier for each log entry
UserID Integer Foreign key to User table (if applicable)
ErrorMessage Text Description of the error
StackTrace Text Technical details of the error
Severity Enum (Low, Medium, High, Critical) Severity level of the error
Timestamp DateTime Timestamp of when the error occurred