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Setting up an instance of Storeman Bot for your own server

tkaixiang edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 4 revisions


The following guide assumes you are on a linux server such as Ubuntu.

  1. Follow here to get your Bot API token and clientID
    • Invite your bot to your server using the invite link:<clientID>&permissions=2147617792&scope=bot%20applications.commands, replacing <clientID> with your Bot's Client ID
    • Note: You should set your bot to "Private" inside the Discord Developer Portal so that people can't invite and use your bot
  2. Clone the Storeman-Bot repo
git clone
  1. Move into the directory, create a .env file with the necesarry information
cd Storeman-Bot
nano .env

and add the following into the file:

APP_PORT=80 # Put the port you want

You may add a STOCKPILER_GUILD_ID=<GUILD_ID> during development to speed up registering of slash commmands. Otherwise, Discord can take up to 1 hour to register slash commands to your server

  1. Move into the directory, run docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
  1. Inside your Discord server, the bot should now be online, if it isn't, check
docker-compose logs bot

for any errors

  1. Inside your Discord server, type /spsetpassword <password> to setup a new password for usage in the Stockpiler app
    • This is your Bot Password for later on
  2. Type /splogichannel set <a_channel> to set a channel as the "logi-channel" where Storeman Bot will send the scanned information
    • Ensure that Storeman Bot has permissions to send & edit messages inside that channel
  3. You can set targets by typing /sptarget set

Important Remarks

  • A HTTP server will be started on so please allow that port through any firewalls you have
    • The Bot Host for later on is hence http://<YOUR_SERVER_IP>:8090
  • To update Storeman Bot, simply run: docker-compose pull inside the root folder of the directory and restart the bot using docker-compose down and docker-compose up -d
  • If you make your own changes to the bot files, such as changing some text, run docker-compose up -d --build to build a docker image locally
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