This library is an golang implementation of TextFSM.
If you miss something (there are definitely something) create an issue!
Given is following source-file source.txt
18:42:41.321 PST Sun Feb 8 2009
Goal is to extract several values with following template-file template.txt
Value Year (\d+)
Value MonthDay (\d+)
Value Month (\w+)
Value Timezone (\S+)
Value Time (..:..:..)
^${Time}.* ${Timezone} \w+ ${Month} ${MonthDay} ${Year} -> Record
You can use the following code to
- read source-file
- read template-file
- process this files
- print out result
Folder-structure for the example is like this:
├── templates
├── example_template.txt
├── index
├── source.txt
├── main.go
Here the main.go
package main
import (
var (
_, b, _, _ = runtime.Caller(0)
basepath = filepath.Dir(b)
func main() {
// read template
filepath := basepath + "/templates/example_template.txt"
tmplCh := make(chan string)
go reader.ReadLineByLine(filepath, tmplCh)
// read file
filepathSrc := basepath + "/source.txt"
srcCh := make(chan string)
go reader.ReadLineByLine(filepathSrc, srcCh)
// create AST
ast, err := ast.CreateAST(tmplCh)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// process ast
record := make(chan []interface{})
process, err := process.NewProcess(ast, record)
if err != nil {
// handle error
go process.Do(srcCh)
// print record
for {
// get next row
row, ok := <-record
if !ok {
for CliTable:
package main
import (
func main() {
srcChan := make(chan string)
T := cliTable.NewCliTable("/templates", "index")
// cliTable attributes/mataData for template lookup
attrs := map[string]string{
"Command": "show required",
"Platform": "arista_eos",
go reader.ReadLineByLine("source.txt", srcChan)
abstractStatementT, err := T.CreateAST(attrs)
if err != nil {
record := make(chan []interface{})
process, err := process.NewProcess(abstractStatementT, record)
if err != nil {
go process.Do(srcChan)
for {
row, ok := <-record
if !ok {
Find more examples how to build template-files here: TextFSM-Wiki