Consistently renames video files of a series and adds the episode title.
This software was made for German use only. It relies on the German Wikipedia, using German keywords. Thus, it is not applicable for other languages. However, the software can apply English titles by setting the launch argument -l en
SeriesRenamer is a console application which renames your downloaded series consistently. Season and episode of your file is exatracted using the filename, and then, the corresponding episode title is downloaded from Wikipedia. Finally, a given rename scheme is applied.
Just launch SeriesRenamer.exe
You can start the program without any arguments. It will then ask you for all required information. Some variables, especially the Wikipedia URL are even deduced automagically. However, to save time, one can provide launch arguments:
- -f Path on the filesystem, containing the video files of your series.
- -n Name of the series
- -u German Wikipedia URL with the episode list
- -l Desired language, German (de) or English (en)
Example: -f "F:\New Files\The Blacklist" -n "The Blacklist" -u "" -l "de"
If the language argument is not provided, German will be assumed to be the desired language without any inquiry.
In the program's folder a file badWords.txt
is located. Many downloaded files contain parts like 720p. To prevent them from being identified as season 7, episode 20, such terms can be excluded within the file badWords.txt.
Feel free to request any bugs and feature requests.