Materials for the Dask tutorial at PyCon 2018.
If you don't have git
installed, you can download a ZIP copy of the repository using the green button above.
Note that the file will be called dask-tutorial-pycon-2018-master
, instead of dask-tutorial-pycon-2018
Adjust the commands below accordingly.
Install Miniconda or ensure you have Python 3.6 installed on your system.
# Update conda
conda update conda
# Clone the repository. Or download the ZIP and add `-master` to the name.
git clone
# Enter the repository
cd dask-tutorial-pycon-2018
# Create the environment
conda env create
# Activate the environment
conda activate dask-pycon
# Download data
# Start jupyterlab
jupyter lab
If you aren't using conda
# Clone the repository. Or download the ZIP and add `-master` to the name.
git clone
# Enter the repository
cd dsak-tutorial-pycon-2018
# Create a virtualenv
python3 -m venv .env
# Activate the env
# See
# For bash it's
source .env/bin/activate
# Install the dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Download data
# Start jupyterlab
jupyter lab
We have a pangeo deployment running that'll provide everyone with their own cluster to try out Dask on some larger problems. You can log into the cluster by going to: