This is a plugin for dygraphs that places crosshairs when the chart is clicked.
It is a modification to the original crosshairs plugin that updated the crosshair location when the cursor was moved over the chart.
Import the file and use it like any other. It takes the same constructor as the original crosshairs Plugin.
plugins: [
new Dygraph.Plugins.FixedCrosshair({
direction: "both"
The modification itself is small: in the activate()
call we remove the 'mousemove'
event and replace it with a 'click'
event. The stops points being selected when the cursor is moved over the chart. We also remove the 'mouseout'
event stop the crosshairs being removed when the cursor is moved off the chart.
crosshair.prototype.activate = function(g) {
this.dygraph_ = g;
removeEvent(window, 'mouseout', this.dygraph_.mouseOutHandler_)
removeEvent(this.dygraph_.mouseEventElement_, 'mousemove', this.dygraph_.mouseMoveHandler_)
this.dygraph_.addAndTrackEvent(this.dygraph_.mouseEventElement_, 'click', this.dygraph_.mouseMoveHandler_);
return {
deselect: this.deselect
function removeEvent(elem, type, fn) {
elem.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);