A pretty, simple blog list app.
Username: demo Password: demo (or make your own account)
Express and MongoDB
React, Redux, React Router and Mantine UI.
Used as a fun little project to build on exercises I did as part of the Full stack open course.
This little project helped solidate some of the skills I've been learning through a functioning full stack app. Building it out helped me to learn invaluable problem solving skills that came with combining various the skills I've been learning. For images, I utilised the thumbnail image url that most blog sites have with Open Graph.
- Writing tests for components with Jest and E2E with Cypress
- Fleshing out the UI and adding a couple additional features that would make the app more useful in the real world.
- Adding skeleton placeholders while the app fetches data from the backend/images.
- Autofill for article titles and authors using an a Open Graph query.