Leveret is an experimental web browser written in TypeScript for the Bun runtime
and it uses the Skia graphics system via @napi-rs/canvas
This is how Leveret looks displaying the first-ever web page:
Leveret started off as a submission to the seminal Browser Jam hackathon organized by Andreas Kling of the Ladybird browser fame.
You can find the submission here.
As of current, it has not progressed beyond the hackathon submission quality state; perhaps during the next Browser Jam, more improvements will be delivered.
will also probably be usable to implement a basic query selector
engine by parsing the whole HTML and then parsing it again with the CSS selector
and comparing the two trees to see which nodes of the original tree match the
nodes of the selector-driven tree.
This should be combined with the usage of the HTMLRewriter
-based DOMParser
mention above.
Note that this will become obsolete once I switch to my DOMParser
based on the
API bundled with Bun.
Right now, I'm materializing nodes the moment their opening tag finishes parsing
which allows me to simplify the attribute parsing states, but results in an
unfaithful representation of the incomplete DOM tree (stuff that's not fully
commited should be shuffled via state, not the tree) and complicates recognizing
some scenarios like <IMG/>
versus <IMG />
and when to materialize it which
would be unambiguous if tags were persisted to the node tree only once closed.
Bun is set to release built-in support for C code compilation. This could allow me to use native OS APIs to call up a native window and flush a buffer onto its surface.
Bun Twitter post about native code compilation
Use Cocoa to display a native macOS window, make an NSImageView
and export a
method that takes unsigned char *rgbaBuffer
and builds a NSBitmapImageRep
from it, then NSImage
from the bitmap and sets the image to the image view.
Next up, react to the window size changes by either polling on every frame on the Bun side or figuring out how to export a method that takes Bun callbacks and calls them in response to the macOS side event loop resize event entries.
This will allow me to dynamically resize the canvas
and its context to react
to the window resizing events and re-layout.
Next up, listen to keyboard and mouse events to be able to add interactivity to the renderer and bring the whole project closer to a full browser.
Then there is a question of the browser chrome and whether to implement it in native code (I am leaning towards that right now) or as a dedicated separate area on the render surface (need to make sure the page can't bleed into it).
Use the Bun GitHub Action to run the compile
command and publish the resulting
build artifacts to the Releases tab on GitHub.
This would allow me to drop the bespoke HTML to DOM parsing logic. Arguably, this takes away from the home-grown-ness of the web browser, but the layout part would remain bespoke and I am happy to shift any part of the process to a Bun built-in, but not a non-built-in dependency.
The script downloads the HTML text of the URL and parses it to a simple DOM tree which gets visited during the layout stage and adorned with layout metadata like coordinates and dimensions of each element.
Text runs that are too long to fit the viewport get wrapped by breaking up their patern inline element into several pieces as they fit the viewport constraints.
In the final phase, the tree is walked and each node recursively rendered onto
the Skia-based canvas
-like rendering surface.
The rendered frame gets saved to a file named index.png
The current architecture doesn't handle user interactivity (scrolling, clicking, selecting etc.) nor does it render into a native OS window yet.
TypeScript was selected because I like it as a programming language. If I didn't choose TypeScript, I would have chosen JavaScript instead.
I really like Bun for its versatility and battery-included nature. The programming language decision was also driven by the fact that I knew I was going to use Bun as the runtime.
I didn't contemplate using Node or Deno, because while they are getting better, they are not nearly as pain-free to set up and get productive with as Bun is.
One example of this is the ability to use @napi-rs/canvas
as a zero-dependency
dependency straight-away without having to deal with Gyp or Node native modules.
It is possible that this would also work right away in Node or Deno, but it is
only one of many interactions with the toolchain that Bun makes smooth.
Bun has supported easy depending on and bundling of Node native modules since
version 1.0.23, in whose release notes I found out about @napi-rs/canvas
I didn't consider using a native runtime or a runtime-free programming language like C, C++, Rust, Zig or C#/.NET due to tool-chain setup unpleasantness. To me, none of these are as problem-free to set up and get going with as Bun is, it only takes three commands to install it, install the dependencies and run the code or compile it to a native executable.
The closest non-JavaScript/non-TypeScript experience to this would probably be Ruby, but I don't like the programming language and while I prefer to minimize my use of dependencies, when I have to use some, I prefer to reach for ones in the Node ecosystem over the ones in the Ruby ecosystem.
I am using latest
versions of all dependencies (@napi-rs/canvas
and Bun's
types as a development dependenct) as I want the code to break the moment a new
version comes out so I can immediately switch to it and adjust my code for it.
I would use Bun for HTML parsing if it supported DOMParser
out-of-the-box and
will do it if it ever does.
In general, my rule is to use the built-in thing first, write it myself second and use a dependency a distant third.
I use VS Code.
There are several ways in which Leveret can be developed and I switch between them.
Most often, I'll write code and periodically check it using tests.
Tests can be run using bun test
or bun test *.test.ts
I use test.only
, test.skip
, test.todo
etc. to control what tests run atop
the test file name specified in the CLI argument.
Sometimes, I'll want to write code and observe the graphical impact of the edits
I made.
In this scenario, I'll open index.ts
and index.png
side-by-side in VS Code
and run bun --watch .
to make sure all code changes get picked up and executed
resulting in image.png
refreshing in its editor pane in VS Code.
This gives quick visual feedback that can sometimes be faster than normal tests.
When I want to use the debugger, I make use of the Bun VS Code extension that adds Run File and Debug File buttons to the top-right of the code editor area.
There is no need to set up a VS Code debugger configuration to make this work.
I also use snapshot testing which is unfortunately more home-made that I'd like due to Bun's lack of control over snapshot testing behavior.
Bun support snapshot testing out-of-the-box, but AFAIK cannot be configured to tell the test runner what file names to use for the snapshots and where to put them, so they cannot be easily previewed in VS Code for a quick check.
For this reason, I implement a custom helper to check the snapshots and store them under my desired path related to the test file.
But also doesn't yet allow a test to know its name programatically, so for the snapshot testing, I need to manually repeat the test name for the snapshot name.
- synchronousencode
- asynchronousdata
- same asCanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData
(both RGBA)
My submission was quickly merged.
I've progressed on the layout engine most of the day and then topped the work off with a method for rendering the laid out page.
I've added tests for both of these stages as well as tests for the HTML parser.
I've crafted a very basic HTML parser capable of understanding the assignment web page, but not much more.
This project was inspired by the first ever BrowserJam announced by Andreas Kling, the founder of the Ladybird browser:
The project repository is at tomashubelbauer/leveret
on GitHub.
I installed the Canvas package using bun add @napi-rs/canvas
It installs the main package @napi-rs/canvas
and a platform-specific package,
in my case @napi-rs/canvas-darwin-arm64
The package has no other dependencies and ships as Node native module (.node
not as plain TypeScript/JavaScript.
See Brooooooklyn/canvas
on GitHub
for the repository and @napi-rs/canvas
on NPM
for the Node package.
We can see the native module working with this simple script:
(Dependencies installed are @napi-rs/canvas
and @types/bun
import { createCanvas } from '@napi-rs/canvas';
import { write } from 'bun';
const canvas = createCanvas(640, 480);
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle = 'white';
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.fillStyle = 'black';
context.fillText('Hello, world!!', 10, 50);
const buffer = await canvas.encode('png');
await write('index.png', buffer);
Run using bun .
and open index.png
to see the resulting image.
We can also run the example into a native binary using bun build --compile .
The resulting index
executable requires no dependencies (no node_modules
and can be shipped and ran standalone.