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MarkRight is a tool for didactic literate programming. It scans a MarkDown document for fenced code blocks and takes action on ones whose info strings mark a MarkRight action:

```js hello-world.js
console.log('Hello, world!');

This will create a JavaScript file named hello-world.js.

rm hello-world

This will delete the hello-world.js file by running a shell script.

MarkRight treats a MarkDown document as a single source of truth and lets all of the other source code fall out, specification and implementation are forced to remain synchronized and can never diverge.

See the feature-showcase example for a rundown of all MarkRight features.

MarkRight is intended for use with didactic media (tutorials, documentation, …).



npm i -g tomashubelbauer/markright or npx tomashubelbauer/markright ad-hoc

You might need to run git submodule update --recursive --init to install the dependencies.


Windows, macOS and Linux binaries are available in Releases.


  • markright (
  • markright build (
  • markright build
  • markright watch (
  • markright watch


See the example directory subdirectories for a variety of examples.

To run MarkRight from source against an example in that directory, run npm start example/${name} (markright watch example/${name}).

Source Control

The generated content should still be tracked in source control to ensure it is easily accessibly even without running MarkRight to generate it. This is useful for source control web UIs and further emphasises the goal of didactic benefit.


  • MarkRight converts CRLF in file text into LF for easier internal processing
  • MarkRight assumes all text files it is fed are UTF-8 without BOM without check
  • MarkRight reserves ? and ! at the end of file names for action modifiers
  • MarkRight reserves _ as a placeholder file name, won't use _ name verbatim
  • MarkRight can't output ~ and ` into file names due to MarkDown syntax rules (neither is allowed in a fenced code block info string)
  • MarkRight's only supported way of referencing/pulling external assets is thru the use of scripts (mv, cp, curl, wget, whatever other way…)


MarkRight is licensed under the terms of the AGPL 3.0only license.


Run npm run dev to run the example/feature-showcase document which contains all features.

Run npm test to run all *.test.js modules as well as all example directory documents. Run npm test ${regex} to run only matching *.test.js modules and no example directory documents.

Run npx tomashubelbauer/esm2cjs followed by npx pkg . to build the binaries for Windows, macOS and Linux.


MarkRight is in WIP mode at the moment. The version is 0.0.0 and a release is cut for each commit which passes the CI tests. Once MarkRight reaches 1.0, semantic versioning will be used instead and releases will be cut with each version change and will contain a proper changelog.


Address code to-do comments

Use todo.

Cache the unchanged layers

Do not run the whole document each time, recognize the changed part (usually the very end) and run only the part that has changed.

Think about VS Code Intellisense support

This one is going to be very tricky… For each code block, we need to determine the full content of the file it relates to (because it might be a patch block) and use that code to fuel the Intellisense for the given language.

Remains to be seen if this is going to even be possible using the VS Code API.

It might also be necessary to either store the texts in temporary files or use the generated files and only "translate" the cursor in the code block to the backing content in the generated file so that things like modules work (VS Code knows what to suggest for module paths etc.).

Use a more concise syntax for shell code block info string options

Right now the options are in JSON, which is verbose, we could get something more tailored and concise.

```sh 0 "Hello, world!"
node .

This will check stdout for the given text and also stderr for emptiness.

```sh 1 "No argument provided"
node .

This will check stderr for the given text and also stdout for emptiness.

Maybe this could be allowed, too:

```sh 1 "Argument count: 0" "No argument provided"
node .

To check both stdout and stderr at the same time.

Consider allowing regex pre-processing in standard I/O checks

This would be useful for normalizing things like file system paths, dates and random numbers in the output. E.g.:

```stdout \d+ g {random number}
Your random number is: {random number}.

Also applies to the inline standard I/O checks in shell code block options.

Support mixed + and - in patch and support unchanged lines in patch

Unchanged lines in patch will make detecting patch from insert/append harder but it should still be possible to detect: all lines either start with a sign symbol or are present in the file verbatim [in case of unchanged lines] in the correct, patch, order.

Add support for taking in changes and turning them to MarkRight instructions

This feature might make the need for Intellisense support a little less urgent:

Author MarkRight and each time a more complex code change is needed to be done to a generated file, just make it there. MarkRight will have a command to tell it to pull in the changes made to the generated files as compated to what it would generate as currently written. Once these changes are gathered, fenced code blocks from them are appended to the MarkRight document. The most optimal type of fenced code block (patch or !) is chosen.

If running in watch mode, MarkRight should recognize changes made to the generated files (by the user, not the ones it does while generating them) and append and update the pending auto-generated appended code blocks as long as the user keeps changing the generated files. Take them as committed once the user edits the MarkRight document itself again, at which point a new set of live fenced code blocks should be generated and kept being refreshed while the user edits the generated files.

Fix the Pkg: Error reading from file. error using rcedit on the binary

When using this in the CI to apply an icon to the Windows executable:

curl -L -o rcedit.exe
./rcedit markright-win.exe --set-icon icon.ico

I get the above error while running the executable. Before applying the icon, the executable works just fine.

Fix changes in the document picked out by the watcher resulting in empty run

Here and there after the initial npm test run, when the is changed and the watch picks it up, the only line printed is Processed, but none of the code-blocks have actually run.

Consider enabling printing stdout/stderr of a long running script out

Allow using a regex for stdout check to be able to capture optional lines

```stdout regex
(Tool installed!)?\r?\n
Version: 0.0.0

The above will match both:

Tool installed!
Version: 0.0.0

As well as:

Version: 0.0.0

Allow marking scripts by the platform they should run on

  • powershell win runs on Windows, skipped elsewhere
  • powershell win,linux runs on Windows and Linux, skipped elsewhere
  • bash macos runs on macOS, skipped elsewhere

Authors will have an option to include several scripts, on for each platform, and only the correct one for the given platform will be executed.

Fix fenced code block with just powershell for language creating a file

yo code `
  --extensionType command-ts `
  --extensionDisplayName MarkRight `
  --extensionName vscode-markright `
  --extensionDescription "MarkRight support for VS Code" `
  --gitInit false `
  --pkgManager npm `


This fenced code block resulted in a file by the name of powershell being created, when it should just be skipped instead.

Develop a VS Code extension which bundles MarkRight and runs it on *.md

The extension would active on MarkDown files in general or maybe on MarkDown files which already have MarkRight fenced code blocks and would ask if it should watch the file for you and run it each time you save your changes to it.

Allow titling shell code blocks

```sh run-a-script

In the output of MarkRight this should print: Executed run-a-script shell script

We need to figure out how to make this work with stdout and stderr checks.

Add a command line option to erase the directory prior to the run

This will be useful in prototyping as the starting conditions will always be known so unexpected states (files conflicting with moves, incorrect versions of dependencies being installed etc.) are minimized.

It's always ideal to handle this stuff in the script dynamically, recognize and act on the various exceptional conditions, but to aid prototyping, we'll provide this quality of life improvement.

Offer an option to run in Windows Sandbox by using a shared directory

Probably by allowing wsb as a control keyword in a shell script fenced code block info string. For prototyping, wsb could be the language tag itself.

Prototyped in wsb.js.


As a more general option / an alternative on macOS and Linux, Docker could be used in the same way if installed.

Add a node shell script type which runs Node and tell the version used

Run using:

node -e "line 1
line 2
line 3"

Maybe node can be passed to shell in child_process.exec?

Fix the issue with binaries not being found in %PATH% when they are there

Shell script in MarkDown will not find a newly installed binary in PATH even if using another shell script block to force reloading PATH. This is persistent, I have not been able to make the binary work across restarts of MarkRight, the IDE etc.

Perhaps MarkRight should explicitly set path each time it runs a shell script (can this be done?) and check the path when a script ends and make sure that newly added entries are sent to the new script block.

Allow running the whole MarkRight document execution in Windows Sandbox

In addition to running individual script blocks this way. Probably a CLI option.

Allow inspecting the standard output of any script using markright stdout

Once titling scripts is implemented, add this command which will print the last stdout known for this script based on a cache where all stdout will be stored. Maybe we should require MarkRight be run with --cache or similar to tell it to do cache the stdout (stdio?) data to avoid surprising behavior with potentially giant caches.

Check that the language tag is a-z0-9 and pull impl from lang/${tag}

Pull out the various implementations from a module file using await import and error/fallback if they don't exist like is done currently.

Allow a script to be both executed and output to a file at once

Currently it is one or the other.

Make ESM2CJS ignore (or select) given files to avoid changes in submodules

This will simplify main.yml.

Polish VS Code screencast and use for programmatic animated screenshot

See if in the workflow, we could install and start VS Code, get ahold of its API interface, run a script which uses the API interface to demonstrate MarkRight in action, make a screenshot and commit it with the version bump if it has changed.

Replace previous output line with the current one and show step counter

Right now the output looks like this:

Created test
Executed shell script
Verified stdout match

Perhaps there should be only a single line which would update to always show the latest that's happening and could show opening and closing message for each step so that long-running actions (like WSB) would show Executing sandbox script… for a while and then Executed sandbox script would flash followed by whatever step came next.

Also the line could be prefixed by the current code block number in the document order or even better a line number (and if we go that route a percentage or even a progress bar could be displayed).

Maybe this is only appropriate for the watch mode and not for the build mode? I need to look into how this stuff works and what it leaves in the standard output stream, for the build mode we definitely want a faithful record of all the steps in the standard output.

Use Caxa for ESM-compatible executable packaging and drop ESM2CJS

Use combined with a matrix GitHub Actions workflow, one such is shown in the Caxa repository.

Maybe even delete ESM2CJS proper as it will be no longer needed.

Have a concept of a virtual cursor

To simplify writing code such as:

func method() {

Over the course of several code blocks with prose around them:

func method() {

First line:


Second line:


Third line:


Instead of using patch blocks, we could have a virtual cursor so even if we are editing in the middle of a file, it would just append there.

A "hidden" suffix type thing could be added to add the final }.