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Added a file with coordinates in Sweden to be used for regression tes…
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…ting, and implemented a test method

which verifies the transformations for this current implementation.
The current implementation use the three classes RT90Position, SWEREF99Position, WGS84Position,
from within a new class Transformer with implementation that selects which of these classes to use based
on the EPSG code for the source and target coordinates.
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TomasJohansson committed Jan 8, 2021
1 parent 6ace16e commit 135e543
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Showing 4 changed files with 243 additions and 0 deletions.
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions MightyLittleGeodesy/Transformer.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
using MightyLittleGeodesy.Positions;
using System;
using static MightyLittleGeodesy.Positions.RT90Position;
using static MightyLittleGeodesy.Positions.SWEREF99Position;

namespace MightyLittleGeodesy

public class Transformer {
public const int epsgForWgs84 = 4326;
private const int epsgForSweref99tm = 3006;

//private const int epsgLowerValueForSwerefLocal = 3007; // the NATIONAL sweref99TM has value 3006 as in the above constant
//private const int epsgUpperValueForSwerefLocal = 3018;
private const int epsgLowerValueForSweref = epsgForSweref99tm;
private const int epsgUpperValueForSweref = 3018;

private const int epsgLowerValueForRT90 = 3019;
private const int epsgUpperValueForRT90 = 3024;

public static Coordinate Transform(Coordinate sourceCoordinate, int targetEpsg) {
if(sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber == targetEpsg) throw new ArgumentException("Trying to transform from/to the same CRS");
if(isWgs84(sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber)) {
var wgs84position = new WGS84Position(sourceCoordinate.yLatitude, sourceCoordinate.xLongitude);
if(isSweref(targetEpsg)) {
SWEREFProjection swerefProjection = ProjectionFactory.GetSwerefProjectionByEpsgNumber(targetEpsg);
var position = new SWEREF99Position(wgs84position, swerefProjection);
return new Coordinate(targetEpsg, position.Longitude, position.Latitude);
else if(isRT90(targetEpsg)) {
RT90Projection rt90Projection = ProjectionFactory.GetRT90ProjectionProjectionByEpsgNumber(targetEpsg);
var position = new RT90Position(wgs84position, rt90Projection);
return new Coordinate(targetEpsg, position.Longitude, position.Latitude);
else if(isSweref(sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber)) {
if(isWgs84(targetEpsg)) {
SWEREFProjection swerefProjection = ProjectionFactory.GetSwerefProjectionByEpsgNumber(sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber);
var sweref99Position = new SWEREF99Position(sourceCoordinate.yLatitude, sourceCoordinate.xLongitude, swerefProjection);
var wgs84result = sweref99Position.ToWGS84();
return new Coordinate(targetEpsg, wgs84result.Longitude, wgs84result.Latitude);
else {
// the only direct transform supported is to/from WGS84, so therefore first transform to wgs84
var wgs84coordinate = Transform(sourceCoordinate, epsgForWgs84);
return Transform(wgs84coordinate, targetEpsg);
else if(isRT90(sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber)) {
if(isWgs84(targetEpsg)) {
RT90Projection rt90Projection = ProjectionFactory.GetRT90ProjectionProjectionByEpsgNumber(sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber);
var rt90Position = new RT90Position(sourceCoordinate.yLatitude, sourceCoordinate.xLongitude, rt90Projection);
var wgs84result = rt90Position.ToWGS84();
return new Coordinate(targetEpsg, wgs84result.Longitude, wgs84result.Latitude);
else {
// the only direct transform supported is to/from WGS84, so therefore first transform to wgs84
var wgs84coordinate = Transform(sourceCoordinate, epsgForWgs84);
return Transform(wgs84coordinate, targetEpsg);
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unhandled source/target EPSG {0} ==> {1}", sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber, targetEpsg));

private static bool isWgs84(int epsgNumber) {
return epsgNumber == epsgForWgs84;
private static bool isSweref(int epsgNumber) {
return epsgLowerValueForSweref <= epsgNumber && epsgNumber <= epsgUpperValueForSweref;
private static bool isRT90(int epsgNumber) {
return epsgLowerValueForRT90 <= epsgNumber && epsgNumber <= epsgUpperValueForRT90;

public class Coordinate {
public readonly int epsgNumber;
public readonly double xLongitude;
public readonly double yLatitude;
public Coordinate(
int epsgNumber,
double xLongitude,
double yLatitude
) {
this.epsgNumber = epsgNumber;
this.xLongitude = xLongitude;
this.yLatitude = yLatitude;
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.IO;
using MightyLittleGeodesy;

namespace SwedenCrsTransformationsTests.CoordinateFiles {

public class TransformingCoordinatesFromFileTest {

internal const string columnSeparator = "|";

// the below file "swedish_crs_transformations.csv" was copied from:
// and it was generated with a method "createFileWithTransformationResultsForCoordinatesInSweden()" at
private const string relativePathForFileWith_swedish_crs_transformations = "CoordinateFiles/data/swedish_crs_coordinates.csv";
// the project file should use "CopyToOutputDirectory" for the above file

public void AssertThatTransformationsDoNotDifferTooMuchFromExpectedResultInFile() {
string directory = GetPathToOutputDirectoryWhereTheDataFileShouldBeCopiedToAutomatically();
string absolutePathToFile = Path.Combine(directory, relativePathForFileWith_swedish_crs_transformations).Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(absolutePathToFile);
Assert.IsTrue(file.Exists, "Try the build action 'CopyToOutputDirectory' ! . The file could not be found: " + file.FullName);

IList<string> problemTransformationResults = new List<string>();
IList<string> lines = File.ReadAllLines(file.FullName);
// The first two lines of the input file (the header row, and a data row):
// EPSG 4326 (WGS84)Longitude for WGS84 (EPSG 4326)|Latitude for WGS84 (EPSG 4326)|EPSG 3006|X for EPSG 3006|Y for EPSG 3006|EPSG 3007-3024|X for EPSG 3007-3024|Y for EPSG 3007-3024|Implementation count for EPSG 3006 transformation|Implementation count for EPSG 3007-3024 transformation
// 4326|12.146151472138385|58.46573396912418|3006|333538.2957000149|6484098.2550872|3007|158529.85136620898|6483166.205771873|6|6
// The last two columns can be ignored here, but the first nine columns are in three pairs with three columns each:
// an epsg number, and then the longitude(x) and latitude(y) for that coordinate.
// All three coordinates in one row represents the same location but in different coordinate reference systems.
// The first two, of the three, coordinates are for the same coordinate reference systems, WGS84 and SWEREF99TM,
// but the third is different for all rows (18 data rows for the local swedish CRS systems, RT90 and SWEREF99, with EPSG codes 3007-3024).

// The below loop iterates all lines and makes transformations between (to and from) the three coordinate reference systems
// and verifies the expected result according to the file, and asserts with an error if the difference is too big.
// Note that the expected coordinates have been calculated in another project, by using a median value for 6 different implementations.
// (and the number 6 is actually what the last columns means i.e. how many implementations were used to create the data file)
IList<Coordinates> listOfCoordinates = lines.Select(line => new Coordinates(line)).Skip(1).ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(18, listOfCoordinates.Count);
int numberOfTransformations = 0;
foreach(var listOfCoordinatesWhichRepresentTheSameLocation in listOfCoordinates) {
IList<Coordinate> coordinates = listOfCoordinatesWhichRepresentTheSameLocation.coordinateList;
for(int i=0; i<coordinates.Count-1; i++) {
for(int j=i+1; j<coordinates.Count; j++) {
Transform(coordinates[i], coordinates[j], problemTransformationResults);
Transform(coordinates[j], coordinates[i], problemTransformationResults);
numberOfTransformations += 2;

if (problemTransformationResults.Count > 0) {
foreach (string s in problemTransformationResults) {
Assert.AreEqual(0, problemTransformationResults.Count, "For further details see the Console output");

const int expectedNumberOfTransformations = 108; // for an explanation, see the lines below:
// Each line in the input file "swedish_crs_coordinates.csv" has three coordinates (and let's below call then A B C)
// and then for each line we should have done six number of transformations:
// A ==> B
// A ==> C
// B ==> C
// (and three more in the opposite directions)
// And there are 18 local CRS for sweden (i.e number of data rows in the file)
// Thus the total number of transformations should be 18 * 6 = 108
Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumberOfTransformations, numberOfTransformations);

private void Transform(
Coordinate sourceCoordinate,
Coordinate targetCoordinateExpected,
IList<string> problemTransformationResults
) {
int targetEpsg = targetCoordinateExpected.epsgNumber;
Coordinate targetCoordinate = Transformer.Transform(sourceCoordinate, targetEpsg);
bool isTargetEpsgWgs84 = targetEpsg == Transformer.epsgForWgs84;
// double maxDifference = isTargetEpsgWgs84 ? 0.000002 : 0.2; // fails, Epsg 3022 ==> 4326 , diffLongitude 2.39811809521484E-06
// double maxDifference = isTargetEpsgWgs84 ? 000003 : 0.1; // fails, Epsg 4326 ==> 3022 , diffLongitude 0.117090131156147
double maxDifference = isTargetEpsgWgs84 ? 000003 : 0.2; // the other (i.e. non-WGS84) are using meter as unit, so 0.2 is just two decimeters difference
double diffLongitude = Math.Abs((targetCoordinate.xLongitude - targetCoordinateExpected.xLongitude));
double diffLatitude = Math.Abs((targetCoordinate.yLatitude - targetCoordinateExpected.yLatitude));

if (diffLongitude > maxDifference || diffLatitude > maxDifference) {
string problem = string.Format(
"Epsg {0} ==> {1} , diffLongitude {2} , diffLatitude {3}"
+ "sourceCoordinate xLongitude/yLatitude: {4}/{5}"
+ "targetCoordinate xLongitude/yLatitude: {6}/{7}"
+ "targetCoordinateExpected xLongitude/yLatitude: {8}/{9}",
sourceCoordinate.epsgNumber, targetCoordinateExpected.epsgNumber,
diffLongitude, diffLatitude,
sourceCoordinate.xLongitude, sourceCoordinate.yLatitude,
targetCoordinate.xLongitude, targetCoordinate.yLatitude,
targetCoordinateExpected.xLongitude, targetCoordinateExpected.yLatitude

private string GetPathToOutputDirectoryWhereTheDataFileShouldBeCopiedToAutomatically() {
string pathToOutputDirectory= Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
// e.g. a path ending with something like this: "... SwedenCrsTransformationsTests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1"
return pathToOutputDirectory;

internal class Coordinates {
internal readonly List<Coordinate> coordinateList;
internal Coordinates(
string lineFromFile
) {
var array = lineFromFile.Split(TransformingCoordinatesFromFileTest.columnSeparator);
coordinateList = new List<Coordinate> {
new Coordinate(int.Parse(array[0]), double.Parse(array[1]), double.Parse(array[2])),
new Coordinate(int.Parse(array[3]), double.Parse(array[4]), double.Parse(array[5])),
new Coordinate(int.Parse(array[6]), double.Parse(array[7]), double.Parse(array[8]))

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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
EPSG 4326 (WGS84)Longitude for WGS84 (EPSG 4326)|Latitude for WGS84 (EPSG 4326)|EPSG 3006|X for EPSG 3006|Y for EPSG 3006|EPSG 3007-3024|X for EPSG 3007-3024|Y for EPSG 3007-3024|Implementation count for EPSG 3006 transformation|Implementation count for EPSG 3007-3024 transformation
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions MightyLittleGeodesyTests/MightyLittleGeodesyTests.csproj
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Expand Up @@ -12,4 +12,9 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\MightyLittleGeodesy\MightyLittleGeodesy.csproj" />
<None Update="CoordinateFiles\data\swedish_crs_coordinates.csv">

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