A series of online courses offered by deeplearning.ai. Directed by Prof. Andrew Ng and his colleagues.
Foundations of Deep Learning:
- Understand the major technology trends driving Deep Learning
- Be able to build, train and apply fully connected deep neural networks
- Know how to implement efficient (vectorized) neural networks
- Understand the key parameters in a neural network's architecture
- Logistic Regression as Neural Network
- Classification with one hidden layer
- Building Deep Neural Network
- Deep Neural Network Application for Image Classification
- Understand industry best-practices for building deep learning applications.
- Be able to effectively use the common neural network "tricks", including initialization, L2 and dropout regularization, Batch normalization, gradient checking,
- Be able to implement and apply a variety of optimization algorithms, such as mini-batch gradient descent, Momentum, RMSprop and Adam, and check for their convergence.
- Understand new best-practices for the deep learning era of how to set up train/dev/test sets and analyze bias/variance
- Be able to implement a neural network in TensorFlow.
- Initialization
- Regularization
- Gradient Checking
- Optimization Methods
- Tensorflow HandSign
- Understand how to build a convolutional neural network, including recent variations such as residual networks.
- Know how to apply convolutional networks to visual detection and recognition tasks.
- Know to use neural style transfer to generate art.
- Be able to apply these algorithms to a variety of image, video, and other 2D or 3D data.
- Convolutional Model
- Keras Happy Model
- ResNets
- Car detection for Autonomous Driving
- Face Recognition
- Neural Style Transfer
- Understand how to build and train Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and commonly-used variants such as GRUs and LSTMs.
- Be able to apply sequence models to natural language problems, including text synthesis.
- Be able to apply sequence models to audio applications, including speech recognition and music synthesis.
- Building Reccurent Neural Network
- Dinosaur Island - Character level language
- Jazz Improvisation with LSTM
- Word Vector Representation
- Emojify
- Machine Translation
- Trigger Word Detection