This repository corresponds to the second version of currently under development.
Project documentation is also under development, see : [arabesque-doc]
A preliminary version remains accessible here : arabesque
This is a Free and OpenSource project, feel free to help us make it better.
Please report any issue on GitHub.
Arabesque is a web application for thematic mapping of flow and networks datasets. Built in javascript and HTML 5, it provides a full toolset to filter you data and simplify it in order to make clearer and understandable maps.
A preliminary detailed documentation is available here:
The application is under BSD 2-Clause License, Copyright (c) 2019, IFSTTAR.All rights reserved.
Arabesque is part of geographic flow vizualisation (gFlowiz) project
More informations are available on our Research notebook geoflowiz dedicated to the exploration, analysis and geovisualization of flows and spatial networks.