The aim of the application is to allow users list products at any price which other users can then bid on.
Login | Registration
- When the application is launched for the first time it checks whether there is an existing session by accessing the jwt AccessToken cookie stored in the request and verifying it against the secret key. If it is valid it sets the req.user and if it is not we assume the jwt has expired and clear the cookie. Users need to log in before they can access several services in the application such as placing a bid, accessing the account page, creating a listing, or adding a category. If the user does not have an account they can create one by proving their email address, a password with 6 characters or more, and their first and last name. Once their input has been validated a post request is made to the server with their information passed in the body of the request. The server also performs input validation before checking to see if the account already exists. If it does an error code is sent back and if it does not the account is added to the database and the jwt cookie is set. Login checks if the account exists; if it does it sets the jwt cookie and if not it sends an error code back.
Home Page
- The home page consists of different filters for the products. They are Featured Products, Most Popular, Trending, Latest Category, and Recent Bids. All queries for the products check if the duration has not expired, if the product has not been sold, and if the product was not listed by the current authenticated user.
- Featured products works by selecting a random category from the database.
- Most popular works by selecting the category with the most sales.
- Trending works by selecting the category with the most bids in the latest 30 bid records.
- Lastest category selects products from the newest category.
- Recent Bids selects the latest 15 products that were bid on.
- The home page consists of different filters for the products. They are Featured Products, Most Popular, Trending, Latest Category, and Recent Bids. All queries for the products check if the duration has not expired, if the product has not been sold, and if the product was not listed by the current authenticated user.
Browse Page
- Users can browse products based on their categories. Upon entering the page the user is greeted by the categories and when clicked on, all products in that category are fetched and displayed. If a user is not logged in then all products are fetched, if a user is logged in then products they listed are not fetched. Users can sort by duration, current ask, final ask, and initial ask.
Sell Page
- This page consists of a search bar, which can be used to search for categories, as well as the most popular categories right under it. Clicking on one of these categories brings up a form which the user has to fill. The form contains a sample view of how the product will look when listed. The initial ask, final ask and duration all have to be set and be valid before the form can be submitted.
Account Page
- The account page houses all the users bids, listings, and purchases/bids won. It also contains their personal information which they can update as well as an option to delete their account.
- Every product has an image which is the category image, duration which actively counts down, current ask which is updated as bids are made, and an initial ask and final ask. Before a bid is submitted it must be higher than the current bid and not higher than the final ask. If a user places a bid with the same value as the final ask they win the product outright. The products have a timeout function which works by assigning the product to the user with the highest bid when the duration expires. Expired products or products that have been bought are not displayed to users in the home and browse page.
Forgot | Reset Password
- Users can request to reset their password by clicking the forgot password link and entering their email. An email containing a random 4 digit code and 8 random characters encoded in the url query is sent to the user. On the reset password page the user enters the 4 digit code and their new password then in the backend the server matches the 4 digit code and encypted query to the user and sets the password if there is a match.
- New categories can be added but they would need to be authorized first.
- Ability to send messages between the seller and the buyer of the product.
- Archive a listing if it has no current bids or if it has been purchased.
- Delete expired bid records upon the users request.
- Search functionality for products and categories.
- A minimum and maximum constraint to be placed on the product prices.
- Ability to reset password.
- Internal currency system.
Name | Type | Description |
N/A | N/A | Returns a list of categories. |
Name | Type | Description |
category | string | Required. Returns a list of products with the specified category name. |
Parameters in query
Name | Type | Description |
sortBy | string | Required. Returns a list of products based on the string provided. Supported strings include 'popular', 'trending', 'recent', 'featured', and 'latest'. |
Paramters in query
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | Required. Returns a list of products associated with the authenticated user. Supported strings include 'bid', 'purchase', and 'listing'. |
Name | Type | Description |
N/A | N/A | Returns a user object containing the authenticted users email, first name and last name. |
The project is currently live at or clone it to your machine using git clone
- Frontend
npm install
to install dependencies.npm start
to run the application.
- Backend
cd backend
to access backend folder.node server.js
to start the server.
The app was a learning experience and a place to hone my skills as well as bring together all the technologies I had learnt. I used React for the frontend as it allowed me to create clean, reusable components and take advantage of React hooks. For the database I went with MySQL due to the structure of the data and how they related to one another. I stumbled on a couple of occassions and faced a few challenges such as deciding how I wanted to implement authentication, picking between a carousel while using pagination versus the traditional grid view for the product list, and figuring out cors.
- Add cookie policy page.
- Complete Api Documentation.