Welcome to the Solar System Website project! This project is designed to give users a visually immersive experience of exploring the solar system, complete with background videos, interactive buttons, and planet-specific pages.
This website contains the following pages and features:
Home Page:
- A background video of the solar system plays to create a captivating experience.
- A welcome text introduces users to the site.
- An Explore button that directs users to the planet selection page.
Planet Page:
- Displays images of all the planets in the solar system.
- Each planet image has a corresponding button.
- When the button for a planet is clicked, the user is taken to a dedicated page for that planet.
Planet-Specific Pages:
- Every planet has its own page, displaying detailed information, facts, and visuals about that planet.
- HTML5: For structuring the content of the website.
- CSS3: For styling the site and adding animations.
- Background Video: Used on the homepage for an engaging user experience.
- Interactive UI: Users can explore the solar system and learn about each planet by clicking on the respective buttons.
- Individual Planet Pages: Each planet has its own dedicated page with information and a unique design.