Simple RESTful HTTP API that can receive heartbeat events from various input sources.
Each received POST
is handled as an individual event.
It is also possible to validate if any events have been received within a specific time period.
This simple service are written to monitor whether or not the power is on, at a specific location. Instead of doing something overly complicated this service expects relative frequent check-ins. When there's no power, no heartbeat
events can be transmitted. Meaning that this services will expect that a location to keep sending a heartbeat
every configured time interval. Every 15 minutes for example.
So when the power is out for longer periods of time, this service will not receive any data. This will cause the healthcheck
to fail.
This service only handles POST
requests and treats every valid request as an individual event.
When storing a new event a new ID is generated. This ID is comprised of the current date and time, but represented by epoch`
; i.e. a large and incremental number. The epoch
are followed by a freshly generated ULID
When a new event is stored, this is done in the Cloudflare Workers KV
key/value store database. This database are sorted lexicographically. Meaning that when listing objects, that are always returned in the same order.
This services validates whether or not at least a single event have been received, within a time period. Currently this is within the 6 most significant digits of the epoch
Using the "Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004" license. Read the full text in the LICENSE