Example of Simulators written in Rust. Each workspace member is either a binary crate representing a different simulator, or a library crate for shared behavior. These simulators will try to emulate an FO-FDC-Gun chain, using a variety of interfaces. Key features to be explored with this: Serialization/Deserialization with serde
, asynchronous IO with tokio
, compartmental unit tests and integration tests.
- FO - FDC Message Definitions
- FDC - Gun Message Definitions
- FO States
- FDC States
- Gun States
- FO - FDC Integration
- FDC - Gun Integration
- Full System Integration
- External Factor Control Message Definitions
The simulators provided are designed to interop with each other, as defined by each simulator.
This sim emulates the FDC operator. Each FDC sim will own and communicate with multiple Gun sims. The FDC state machine is as follows:
state Offline
state Online {
state "Receiving RRF" as receiving
state "Responding with MTO" as responding
[*] --> Waiting
Waiting --> receiving
receiving --> responding
responding --> Waiting
Waiting --> Firing
Firing --> Waiting
Waiting --> [*]
[*] --> Offline
Offline --> Online
Online --> Offline
Offline --> [*]
This sim emulates a gun being directed by the FDC. Each gun can only process one mission at a time.
[*] --> Offline
Offline --> Online
state Online {
[*] --> Waiting
Waiting --> Firing
Firing --> Waiting
Waiting --> [*]
Online --> Offline
Offline --> [*]
This sim emulates a Forward Observer, who sends requests to the FDC for a fire mission.
[*] --> Offline
Offline --> Connected: Attach to FDC
state Connected {
[*] --> Standby
Standby --> Requesting: fires needed
Requesting --> Observing: MTO received
Observing --> Reporting: Rounds Complete
Reporting --> Standby: BDA sent
Connected --> Offline: Detach from FDC
Offline --> [*]
The FDC interacts with each Gun via a TCP interface. The FDC acts as a TCP Server, and each gun will attempt to register with their connected FDC on the listening socket.
The interface is a simple message header stream. Unless otherwise specified, each table represents the data in order from beginning to end. Each message will contain a header indicating the size of the message to follow:
Message Field | Description | Size |
Header | Number of bytes that the message contains | 4 bytes |
Message ID | ID Specific to each message type | 1 bytes |
Message | Message contents | variable |
The message field can contain the following possible messages:
MessageType | Message ID | Length | Description |
ComplianceResponse | 0x00 | 1 byte | Response message for Fire and CheckFire |
FireReport | 0x01 | A report that rounds have been fired, as well as the time until on-target | |
StatusRequest | 0x02 | 0 bytes | Requests a status from the Gun |
StatusReply | 0x03 | variable | The reply to a StatusRequest |
Reserved | 0x04 | N\A | N\A |
FireCommand | 0x05 | 13 bytes | Request the Gun to fire at the specified target, with specified ammunition |
CheckFire | 0x06 | 0 bytes | Requests the Gun to checkfire a current fire mission |
Reserved | 0x07 - 0xFF | N\A | N\A |
A Compliance Response is sent from a Gun in response to a Fire Command or Check Fire message from the FDC. The message is a single byte.
Compliance | Value | Description |
CANTCO | 0x01 | The Gun cannot comply with the received message |
WILLCO | 0x02 | The Gun will comply with the received message |
HAVECO | 0x03 | The Gun has already complied to this message |
A report of fires from a gun. Each fire will send a Fire Report, most importantly with a time-to-target field.
Field | Size | Representation |
Shot Number | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
Total Shots | 1 byte | unsigned 8-bit integer |
Ammunition | 1 bytes | enumeration |
Target Location | 8 bytes | submessage |
Time-To-Target | 4 bytes | unsigned 32-bit integer in milliseconds |
A request for a Status Reply from a Gun. This message is unique, as it contains a 0-length message.
A reply to a Status Request, sent from a Gun.
Field | Size | Representation |
Status | 1 byte | enumeration |
Ammunition Status | 5 x n bytes | n submessages |
Status | Value |
Non-operational | 0x00 |
Partial Operational | 0x01 |
Fully Operational | 0x02 |
A map of ammunition to count, as 5-byte blocks.
Field | Size | Representation |
Ammunition | 1 byte | enumeration |
Count | 4 bytes | unsigned 32-bit integer (big-endian) |
Ammunition | Value |
High Explosive | 0x00 |
A Fire Command originates from an FDC, and tells a specific gun the target for fires, the ammunition for use, and how many rounds to fire.
Field | Size | Representation |
Rounds | 4 bytes | unsigned 32-bit integer (big-endian) |
Ammunition | 1 byte | enumeration |
Target Location | 8 bytes | submessage |
A target location for a gun is a range in meters and a direction in mils
Field | Size | Representation |
Range | 4 bytes | unsigned 32-bit integer in meters |
Direction | 4 bytes | unsigned 32-bit integer in mils |
A Check Fire originates from an FDC, and tells a specific gun to stop all fires. A Compliance Reponse is expected from the Gun after receipt of a Check Fire.
A Check Fire is a 0-byte message. Only the header is provided.
The Forward observer will provide requests to the FDC to process fire missions. Multiple fire missions can be queued with an FDC, but each mission is not completed until the FO confirms the mission is complete, or the FDC informs a CANTCO.
The FO will communicate with the FDC via UDP. The FDC will provide a listening socket, and will be provided the response target by the FO. Once connection is established via UDP, the FO will begin the fire mission request. Messages will be sent as JSON strings, and will follow normal fire request procedures. In the event a message is received that does not read back correctly, or a message is sent, but no response is given within 1 second, the sender will resend. An example is shown below:
"src": "november",
"receiver": "G6H38",
"response_addr": "",
"mission_type": "adjust_fire",
"target_location": {
"grid": {
"lateral": 123,
"longitudinal": 456
// OR
"polar": {
"direction": 1234,
"distance": 1200,
"target_description": {
"target_type": "",
"activity": "",
"numbers": "",
"protection": ""
"danger_close": false,
"ammunition": null,
"method_of_fire": null,
Upon receipt, the FDC will echo back, replacing the "src"
and "receiver"
fields as applicable.
At this point, the FO has finished the request for fire, and the FDC will take control of the chain of events with a message to observer:
"src": "G6H38",
"receiver": "november",
"firing_unit": "H5K38",
In summary, the actions performed during the Requesting stage are:
activate FO
FO->>FDC: Request for Fire
activate FDC
FDC-->>FO: RFF Readback
alt RRF Readback error
FO -->> FDC: Correction
else RRF Readback confirmed
FO -->> FDC: Solid Readback
deactivate FO
Note over FO, FDC: Comm Silence while FDC processes RRF
FDC ->> FO: Message to Observer
activate FO
FO -->> FDC: MTO Readback
alt MTO Readback error
FDC -->> FO: Correction
else MTO Readback confirmed
FDC -->> FO: Solid Readback
deactivate FO
deactivate FDC
Note over FO, FDC: Shot Execution based on RRF
After MTO, the FDC will execute fires:
FDC ->> FO: Shot
FO -->> FDC: Shot
FDC ->> FO: Splash
FO -->> FDC: Splash
FDC ->> FO: Rounds Complete
FO -->> FDC: Rounds Complete
Note over FO, FDC: FO Proceeds to BDA
After Rounds Complete, the FO will process the result of the mission, and send a Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) back to the FDC.
FDC -->> FO: BDA Readback
alt BDA Readback error
FO -->> FDC: Correction
else BDA Readback confirmed
FO -->> FDC: Solid Readback