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This program has 2 features:
1. The ability to read all the files in the directory, find and aggregate hypernym relations that match the Hearst patterns using regular expressions, and save them in a txt file that will look like:
hypernym: hyponym1 (x), hyponym2 (x) ...
hypernym: hyponym1 (x), hyponym2 (x) ...
where (x) corresponds to the number of occurrences of the relations (across all possible patterns) in the corpus. For each hypernym, the list of co-hyponyms are sorted according to (x) in descending order, for example as follows:
country: united kingdom (10), israel (9), japan (9)
2. The ability to search all the possible hypernyms of the input lemma and print them to the console as follows:
hypernym1: (x)
hypernym2: (x)
where (x) corresponds to the number of occurrences of the relations (across all possible patterns) in the corpus. The hypernyms are sorted in a descending order according to (x).
The implementation includes hearst pattern such as:
💥 NP {,} such as NP {, NP, ..., {and|or} NP}.
In this pattern, the first NP is the hypernym and the NPs after the words "such as" are hyponyms. Example: "semitic languages such as Hebrew or Arabic are composed of consonants and voyels" semitic language ⟶ Hebrew semitic language ⟶ Arabic
💥 such NP as NP {, NP, ..., {and|or} NP}
Here again, the first NP is the hypernym and the NPs after the words "as" are hyponyms. Example: "courses taught by such lecturers as Hemi, Arie, and Hodyah are great" lecturers ⟶ Hemi lecturers ⟶ Arie lecturers ⟶ Hodyah
💥 NP {,} including NP {, NP, ..., {and|or} NP}
Here again, the first NP is the hypernym and the NPs after the words "including" are hyponyms.
💥 NP {,} especially NP {, NP, ..., {and|or} NP}
Here again, the first NP is the hypernym and the NPs after the words "especially" are hyponyms.
💥 NP {,} which is {{an example|a kind|a class} of} NP
Here, the first NP is the hyponym and the second in a hypernym. Example: "Object oriented programming, which is an example of a computer science course" accepts the following: (the "," is optionally)
NP {,} which is NP
NP {,} which is an example of NP
NP {,} which is a kind of NP
NP {,} which is a class of NP
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone
- Download the corpus from here
- Open the project from an IDE such as Intellij, Eclipse, etc.
- Make sure an updated jdk is set in the configuration, and the src folder of Arkanoid is set as the source root.
- Create configuration with CreateHypernymDatabase as the Main Class, and add 2 agruments:
- first- The directory path of the corpus.
- second- name for the new txt file
- run it, and enjoy!
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone
- Download the corpus from here
- Install Apache Ant Link to a guide: Apache Ant Installation Video Windows
- Open CMD in the cloned directory and run this command:
ant compile ant run1 (first argument- The directory of the corpes, Second argument- name for the new txt file) ant run2 (first argument- The directory of the corpes, Second argument- a lemma)
- Java
Topaz Avraham
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
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