A Node.js application using MongoDB and the new Arena websockets server. Automatically logs a user in with their topcoder account if cookie found.
There is an issue with the sockets protocol and HTTPS in node 0.10.29. Therefore you will need to use 0.10.28 to connect to the Arena server successfully.
You'll need to find and load your own algorithm problems into MongoDB. The BSON document looks like:
"event": "tco14",
"problemName": "ORSolitaireDiv2",
"roundName": "SRM 600 DIV 2",
"roundId": 15832,
"roomId": 319723,
"componentId": 36617
Right now there's is no way to authenticate easily against topcoder. Therefore, the code looks for their tcjwt cookie and if found, creates a user in Mongo and logs them into the app. You'll need to set the cookie locally with the following from Chrome Dev Console:
To connect to the Arena successfully, you'll need to use the tcsso
cookie. Similar to the tcjwt cookie above you'll need to set it locally.
To get started developing, start MondoDB and ...
# clone this repo locally
npm install
source environment.sh
node app.js