A small language to make writing simple tunes in SendMIDI easier.
This program will interpret a text file and generate another text file with corresponding SendMIDI code.
This "language" is very simple and cannot currently support very much. Currently there is no support for note volume, audio channels and much more. This "language" is only intended to be used as a way to create SendMIDI code for single notes at a time.
The program takes 5 arugments.
- Name of the device to output to
- Length of a quarter note in milliseconds
- Length of pauses between notes in milliseconds
- Relative path to input file
- Relative path to output file
((Note as a letter)(Flat or Sharp)(Octave)) <===== repeatable (Quarter note multiplier)
(Note as a letter) - Acceptable values are a,b,c,d,e,f,g this is not case sensitive.
(Flat or Sharp) - Acceptable values are #,b. # indicates sharp and b indicates flat. This is optional and if not found will result in a normal note.
(Octave) - Acceptable values are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. This determines which octave the note is in. Negative octaves are currently not supported.
The above can be repeated any number of times.
(Quarter note multiplier) - Acceptable values are any number integer or decimal. This determines the length of the note. The note will be played for the duration of this many quarter notes. So if this value is 2 we have a half note, 4 is a whole note and 1.5 is a dotted quarter note. For convience this is optional and if not found will default to 1 (a quarter note).
Here are various notes with the corresponding SendMIDI code they will generate and the musical meaning. This code was generated with 100 millisecond quarter notes and 50 milliseconds of note padding.
A C-sharp in the 4th octave dotted quarter note
c#4 1.5
on 61 127
off 61 127
A C major chord in the 4th octave for a whole note
C4 E4 G4 4
on 60 127
on 64 127
on 67 127
off 60 127
off 64 127
off 67 127
An A-natural in the 5th octave half note
a5 2
on 81 127
off 81 127
A G-flat in the 7th octave half note
gb7 2
on 102 127
off 102 127
Lets say we want to create a song where a quarter note is half a second long, the space between notes is 50 milliseconds, we have a text file containing our input note data called input.txt, we want to create an output file name output.txt and our device is named "SparkFun Pro Micro MIDI 1". We would call our script like so:
note-lang.py "SparkFun Pro Micro MIDI 1" 500 50 input.txt output.txt