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How to set up the Source Code in Your Editor and Build

toydotgame edited this page Mar 27, 2021 · 13 revisions


I use Linux and Eclipse. You might use the Mac OS, or Windows; obviously, you'll have to adjust my instructions for the file paths you use on your OS - as well as knowing how to do the things I do in Eclipse in your IDE (where it be IntelliJ or whatever).



git clone

Using SSH

git clone

Setting up the Project in Your IDE

  • Open your IDE. These instructions will be exactly for Eclipse; other IDEs shouldn't be too different.
  • Right-click in the navigation pane and select Import.
  • Select Projects from Folder or Archive.
  • Press Next.
  • Select the folder you just cloned.
  • Press Open.
  • Press Finish.

Importing the SDK (Spigot 1.6.4)

spigot.jar is in the lib/ directory of this repo.

Setting up the library in Eclipse:

  • Right-click on your project and select Properties (At the bottom!).
  • In the left pane, select Java Build Path.
  • Go over to the Libraries tab.
  • Select Modulepath:
  • Press Add JARS (on the right).
  • Go to the lib/ folder in the repo. and select spigot.jar from that list.
  • Select Apply and Close.
  • Open src/io.github.toydotgame in the navigation pane.
  • Open That's your source code, ready for you to edit!

Building a Plugin JAR

Setting up Ant

Thisway uses Ant mainly for API and other JARs in it's code. Ant also has a feature to auto-build on file saves, nice! So, to start you'll need to create a build.ant file to tell the Ant compiler what to do instead of manually doing this with JDK's compiler in Eclipse or your preferred IDE. (build.ant needs to be in the root of the repository) In build.ant, paste the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="SimpleProject" default="CreateJar" basedir = ".">
	<basename file="${basedir}" property="project.projectname"/>
	<property name="project.pluginsLocation" location="/path/to/your/export/location"/>
	<target name="clean" description="Cleans project">
		<delete file="${project.pluginsLocation}/${project.projectname}.jar"/>
	<target name="CreateJar" description="Create a jar for the project" depends="clean">
		<jar destfile="${project.pluginsLocation}/${project.projectname}.jar">
		    <!-- <zipfileset src="${basedir}/lib/<API>.jar" includes="**/*.java **/*.class" /> -->
			 <fileset dir="${basedir}">
				<include name="**.yml"/> <!-- This is where you can add other filetypes, in this <fileset> tag. Currently it's just `.yml`. -->
			<fileset dir="${basedir}\bin">
				<include name="**"/>

All you'll need to change here is the location attribute of the <property> tag on line 4. Change /path/to/your/export/location/ to wherever you want to export the JAR (Keep in mid that this is a folder, and not a JAR filename). e.g: C:\Users\H4X0R\Code\Thatway\builds or /home/foo/minecraft_server/plugins, etc.

  • Now, right-click your project; click Properties; then choose Builders in the left pane. Press New (on the right); select Ant Builder; then press OK: (Make sure Ant is checked)
  • Select Ant, click Edit on the right, then go to the Refresh tab.
  • Check Refresh resources upon completion. and select the The project containing the selected resource radio button:
  • Go to the Targets tab; select Set Targets... next to After a "Clean":, and make sure the option that starts with CreateJar is checked. Press OK to close that window.

(Optional) Auto-building

  • Select the Set Targets... button next to Auto Build:, and check the box next to the CreateJar-related entry.
  • That's just about it! Press OK to close the Ant properties window; then press Apply and Close to close the properties window for your project. Whenever you save a file, Ant will build it.

  • If you have auto-building on, you're done!
  • If not, right click build.ant in the Package Explorer pane, right-click it, and select Run As - then choose 1 Ant Build.

Loading the plugin in your server:

  • If your server is already running, type reload into the console to reload all plugins.
  • If your server is not already running, launch it, and the plugin will be loaded automatically.

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