pintool3 is an improved version of the script written by sebastiendamaye, available here (
I migrate it to python3, polish its coding style and improve it with new features.
This tool can be useful for solving some reversing challenges in CTFs events. Implements the technique described here (
You must configure your PINBASEPATH
inside the script:
PINBASEPATH = 'change me'
INSCOUNT32 = PINBASEPATH + 'source/tools/ManualExamples/obj-ia32/'
INSCOUNT64 = PINBASEPATH + 'source/tools/ManualExamples/obj-intel64/'
usage: [-h] [-e] [-l PASSLEN] [-c CHARNUM] [-b EXCHAR] [-a ARCH] [-i INITPASS] [-s SYMBFILL] [-d EXPRESSION] [-r] filename
positional arguments:
filename Program for playing with Pin Tool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e Study the password length, for example -e -l 40, with 40 characters
-l PASSLEN Length of password (Default: 10 )
-c CHARNUM Charset definition for brute force (1-Lowercase, 2-Uppecase, 3-Numbers, 4-Hexadecimal, 5-Punctuation, 6-All)
-b EXCHAR Add characters for the charset, example -b _-
-a ARCH Program architecture 32 or 64 bits, -a 32 or -a 64
-i INITPASS Inicial password characters, example -i CTF{
-s SYMBFILL Symbol for complete all password (Default: _ )
-d EXPRESSION Difference between instructions that are successful or not (Default: != 0, example -d '== -12', -d '=> 900', -d '<= 17' or -d '!= 32')
-r Start in reverse order
./ -l 30 -c 1,2,3 -b _{} -s - -a 32 test/baleful
./ -l 37 -c 4 -i CTF{ -b }_ -s - -a 32 -d '=> 1200' test/reverse400
./ -c 1,2,3 -b _ -s - -l 28 -d '=> 6000' test/wyvern
./ -r -l 32 -c 1,2,3 -b _{$} -s - -a 32 test/01f47d58806a8264cd4b2b97b9dabb4a
./ -l 23 -c 1,2,3 -b _@! -s - -d '== 16' test/main
Baleful - picoCTF 2014
Reverse 400 - Hack You 2014
wyvern 500 - CSAW CTF 2015
loginme - XDUKY CTF 2022
CodCode Cleanup
Error Control
More logical logger