University of Sydney Undergraduate thesis. Thesis paper found on:
Modified from to do realtime processing on a live camera ZED2.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
- Pytorch(1.4.0)
- GPU (at least 4GB of memory, preferred 5GB)
- At least 12 GB RAM
- OpenCV & OpenCV Contrib (at least v3.2, tested with 3.4.11)
- ZED SDK v3.5.0 with CUDA 11.1
- ZED ROS wrapper
- apex (for mask-rcnn)
- and others depending on your current setup
The project has three main ros packages: MaskRCNN, FlowNet and realtime_vdo_slam. All of them must be built before the program can run successfully.
- src/mask_rcnn must be build with
python3 install
This is just a script but I have changed the name to not conflict with the script needed by ROS. This builds and installs the CUDA files needed by this network. 2. src/VDO_SLAM/ is not a ROS package and must be build exclusively with cmake:
mkdir build
cd build && cmake ..
sudo make install
install modules from the requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
[Note: not included in requirements.txt are memory-profiler, etc. so install them when it prompts you] -
Several other packages and libraries are also required.
- nlohmann
- apex
- tf2_sensor_msgs, vision_msgs
- Eigen
- pytorch/torchvision
- Cparse
- and more
Please refer to installation_help.txt
for the full list and installation guides that I've followed.
- To run FlowNet2, pip3 install these (path, imageio). Inside src/flownet/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
[Note: cupy takes time to install, don’t stress]
- Build the g2o library found in src/VDO_SLAM/vdo_slam_g2o
cd vdo_slam_g2o
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install -j8 OR sudo make install -j($nproc)
- Build the VDO_SLAM library
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install -j8 OR sudo make install -j($nproc)
A dynamic library ( will be built to the lib folder in the same directory. All the header files will be installed to /usr/local/include/vdo_slam/. This is so the ROS packages can find the header files globally but currently the dynamic library is linked with relative paths (see the CMakeLists.txt of RealtimeVdoSlam).
- Building everything else. Go to src/
catkin build
should make everything else.
ROS wrapper and simplified implentation of FlowNet Lite ( Runs inference using a current and previous image and responds with a image NxMx2 flow matrix
ROS wrapper and simplified implentation of Mask RCNN ( Runs inference on a single image and responds with a image containing masks and labels
Modified libray from the original VDO SLAM found at:
After installation is done as described in the building section above, the following commands will run the complete project.
$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch
$ roslaunch realtime_vdo_slam flowNmask.launch
$ roslaunch realtime_vdo_slam ros_vdo_slam.launch
To see the groundtruth trajectory of the camera, replace the first command with
$ roslaunch vdo_display_rviz display_zed2.launch
The above commands start the program in the following manner
- launch the ros node for zed2 camera
- launch the preprocessing modules flowNet and Mask-RCNN
- launch the vdo slam
The modified VDO-SLAM library outputs a summary of each analysed frame including
- Estiamted camera pose
- Estimated camera motion
- A list of objects in each frame (pose, velocity, semantic label, tracking label)
- When building the project, some undefined or dependency errors may occur. This is due to disorder in the way the packages are built.
fix: try to run catkin build
repeatedly OR build each package in the order of mask-rcnn, flownet, synchronzer, realtime_vdo_slam.
- cuda out of memory
fix: reduce the image input size or use larger GPU memory (>4GB). Here ZED2 camera allows us to downsample the image input, so we did that (70% of HD720 size).
- undefined reference to: vtable ...
fix: In CmakeList.txt 1) make sure the library .cpp files are put behind the executables 2) manually add -lvdo_slam library in the project Cmakelist.txt and add -lvdo_slam_g2o in the VDO_SLAM CmakeList.txt.