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Transformers In Genomics Papers

A curated repository of academic papers showcasing the use of Transformer models in genomics. This repository aims to guide researchers, data scientists, and enthusiasts in finding relevant literature and understanding the applications of Transformers in various genomic contexts.

Summary Statistics

Data Type Original Papers Benchmarking Papers Review/Perspective Papers
Single-Cell Genomics (SCG) 39 4 1
DNA 0 1 1
Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) 0 0 0
Hybrid of SCG, DNA, and ST 0 0 0

Table of Contents

  1. Single-Cell Genomics (SCG) Models

  2. DNA Models

  3. Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) Models

  4. Hybrids of SCG, DNA, and ST Models


  • 💡: Pretrained Model
  • 🔍: Peer-reviewed

Single-Cell Genomics (SCG) Models

Papers that utilize Transformer models to analyze single-cell genomic data.

Original Papers

🧠 Model 📄 Paper 💻 Code 🛠️ Architecture 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 🧬 No. of Cells 📊 No. of Datasets 🎯 Loss Function(s) 📝 Downstream Tasks/Evaluations
scFoundation💡🔍 Large-scale foundation model on single-cell transcriptomics. Minsheng Hao et al. Nature Methods (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer encoder, Performer decoder Foundation model for single-cell analysis, built on xTrimoGene architecture with a read-depth-aware (RDA) pretraining across 50 million profiles 50M 7 Mean square error loss Cell clustering; Cell type annotation; Perturbation prediction; Drug response prediction
scGPT 💡🔍 scGPT: toward building a foundation model for single-cell multi-omics using generative AI. Haotian Cui et al. Nature Methods (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer A foundation model designed for single-cell multi-omics aimed to deepen the understanding of biological data and improve performance in tasks like cell type annotation and integration. 33M 441 Mean square error; Cosine similarity; Cross entropy loss Cell type annotation; Perturbation response prediction; Multi-batch integration; Multi-omic integration; Gene regulatory network inference
MarsGT 🔍 MarsGT: Multi-omics analysis for rare population inference using single-cell graph transformer. Xiaoying Wang et al. Nature Communications (2024) GitHub Repository Graph Transformer Identifying rare cell populations in single-cell multi-omics, with superior performance and insights for early detection and therapeutic intervention strategies 750K 550 KL divergence, cosign similarity, and regression loss Construct enhancer gene regulatory networks
scGREAT 🔍 scGREAT: Transformer-based deep-language model for gene regulatory network inference from single-cell transcriptomics. Yuchen Wang et al. iScience (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer Inferencing Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN) from single-cell transcriptomics data and textual information about genes using a transformer-based model 4K 7 Cross entropy loss Gene Regulatory Network Inference
scMulan 💡🔍 scMulan: A Multitask Generative Pre-Trained Language Model for Single-Cell Analysis. Haiyang Bian et al. Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer Generative multitask model for single-cell analysis, trained on 10 million cells. 10M 5 Cross entropy loss Cell type annotation; Batch integration; Conditional cell generation
CellPLM 💡🔍 CellPLM: Pre-training of Cell Language Model Beyond Single Cells. Hongzhi Wen et al. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer The framework marks the first of its kind, encoding inter-cell relations, harnessing spatially-resolved transcriptomic data, and adopts a decent prior distribution. 9M scRNA-seq + 2M spatial 3 Masked language modeling with mean squared error loss Zero-shot clustering; scRNA-seq denoising; Spatial transcriptomic imputation; Cell type annotation; Perturbation prediction
tGPT 💡🔍 Generative pretraining from large-scale transcriptomes for single-cell deciphering. Hongru Shen et al. iScience (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Generative pretraining on 22.3 million single-cell transcriptomes aligns with established cell labels and states suitable for single-cell and bulk analysis. 22.3M 4 Cross entropy loss Single-cell clustering; Inference of developmental lineage; Feature representation analysis of bulk tissues
TOSICA 🔍 Transformer for one stop interpretable cell type annotation. Jiawei Chen et al. Nature Communications (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer An efficient cell type annotator trained on scRNA-seq data shows high accuracy across diverse datasets and enables new cell type discovery. 536K 6 Cross entropy loss Cell type annotation; Data integration; Cell differentiation trajectory inference
Geneformer 💡🔍 Transfer learning enables predictions in network biology. Christina V. Theodoris et al. Nature (2023) Hugging Face Repository; GitHub Repository Transformer Pre-trained on 30 million single-cell transcriptomes to enable context-specific predictions and identify therapeutic targets in network biology with limited data. 30M 561 Cross entropy loss Chromatin dynamics prediction; Network dynamics prediction; Cell type annotation; Gene network analysis
STGRNS 🔍 STGRNS: an interpretable transformer-based method for inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell transcriptomic data. Jing Xu et al. Bioinformatics (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Focused on enhancing gene regulatory network inference from single-cell transcriptomic data using a proposed gene expression motif technique, applicable across various scRNA-seq data types. 154K+ 48 Cross entropy loss Gene regulatory networks inference
DeepMAPS 🔍 Single-cell biological network inference using a heterogeneous graph transformer. Anjun Ma et al. Nature Communications (2023) GitHub Repository Graph Transformer Infers biological networks from single-cell multi-omics data via a heterogeneous graph and a multi-head graph transformer, enhancing local and global context learning. 199K 17 Mean squared error and KL divergence Dimensionality reduction and cell clustering; Biological network construction
scBERT 💡🔍 scBERT as a large-scale pretrained deep language model for cell type annotation of single-cell RNA-seq data. Fan Yang et al. Nature Machine Intelligence (2022) GitHub Repository Transformer (BERT-based model) A BERT-based model was pre-trained on large amounts of unlabeled scRNA-seq data for cell type annotation, demonstrating superior performance. 1M 10 Cross entropy loss Cell type annotation; Novel cell type prediction
scCLIP 💡🔍 scCLIP: Multi-modal Single-cell Contrastive Learning Integration Pre-training. Lei Xiong et al. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) AI for Science Workshop (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Introduced a multi-modal Transformer model with contrastive learning, optimized for single-cell ATAC-seq data by tokenizing genomic peaks 377K 2 Cross entropy loss Modality alignment
scMVP 🔍 A deep generative model for multi-view profiling of single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data. Gaoyang Li et al. Genome Biology (2022) GitHub Repository Transformer + VAE Introduces scMVP, a multi-modal deep generative model for processing single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data, addressing data sparsity and integration challenges. 100K 5 Clustering consistency loss – similar to CycleGAN Clustering; Imputation; Trajectory Inference
Enformer 🔍 Effective gene expression prediction from sequence by integrating long-range interactions. Žiga Avsec et al. Nature Methods (2021) Hugging Face Repository; GitHub Repository Transformer with attention layers To improve gene expression prediction from DNA sequences by integrating long-range interactions, leveraging transformer architecture for better accuracy. 254K 2 Poisson negative log-likelihood loss Gene expression prediction; Variant effect prediction; Epigenetic state prediction
CIForm 🔍 CIForm as a Transformer-based model for cell-type annotation of large-scale single-cell RNA-seq data. Jing Xu et al. Briefings in Bioinformatics (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Developed for cell-type annotation of large-scale single-cell RNA-seq data, aiming to overcome batch effects and efficiently process large datasets 12M 16 Cross entropy loss Cell type annotation
TransCluster 🔍 TransCluster: A Cell-Type Identification Method for single-cell RNA-Seq data using deep learning based on transformer. Tao Song et al. Frontiers Genetics (2022) GitHub Repository Transformer Proposes TransCluster, combining linear discriminant analysis and a modified Transformer to enhance cell-type identification accuracy and robustness across various human tissue datasets 51K 2 Cross entropy loss Cell type annotation
iSEEEK 💡🔍 A universal approach for integrating super large-scale single-cell transcriptomes by exploring gene rankings. Hongru Shen et al. Briefings in Bioinformatics (2022) GitHub Repository Transformer Introduces iSEEEK, an approach for integrating super large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing data by exploring gene rankings of top-expressing genes and states suitable for single-cell and bulk analysis 11.9M 60 Cross entropy loss Cell clusters delineation; Marker genes identification; Cell developmental trajectory exploration; Cluster-specific gene-gene interaction modules exploration analysis of bulk tissues
Exceiver 💡 A single-cell gene expression language model. Connell et al. arXiv (2022) GitHub Repository Transformer Introduced discrete noise masking for self-supervised learning on unlabeled datasets and developed a framework using scRNA-seq to enhance downstream tasks in gene regulation and phenotype prediction 500K 1 Cross entropy loss + Mean square error Drug response prediction
xTrimoGene 💡🔍 xTrimoGene: An Efficient and Scalable Representation Learner for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data. Jing Gong et al. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2023) Unpublished Asymmetric encoder-decoder transformer Introduced a transformer variant for scRNA-seq data, significantly reducing computational and memory usage while preserving accuracy, and developed tailored pre-trained models for single-cell data 5M - Mean square error Cell type annotation; Perturbation response prediction; Synergistic drug combination prediction
Cell2Sentence 💡🔍 Cell2Sentence: Teaching Large Language Models the Language of Biology. Daniel Levine et al. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICLR) (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer (GPT) A single and flexible framework for seamlessly integrating Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically GPT-2, into transcriptomics, leveraging widely-used LLM libraries 40K 2 Cross entropy loss Unconditional cell generation; Conditional cell generation; Cell type prediction
GenePT 💡 GenePT: A Simple But Effective Foundation Model for Genes and Cells Built From ChatGPT. Yiqun T. Chen & James Zou bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer (GPT) Used NCBI text descriptions of individual genes with GPT-3.5 to generate gene embeddings then further leveraged on downstream tasks 21K 10 Cross entropy loss Gene property prediction; Batch integration; Cell type annotation
CellLM 💡 Large-Scale Cell Representation Learning via Divide-and-Conquer Contrastive Learning. Suyuan Zhao et al. arXiv (2023) GitHub Repository Performer Transformer Presented a novel divide-and-conquer contrastive learning strategy designed to decouple the batch size from GPU memory constraints in cell representation learning 2M 2 Masked language modeling with cross-entropy loss, cell type discrimination with binary cross-entropy loss, and divide-and-conquer contrastive loss Cell type annotation; Drug sensitivity prediction
scELMo 💡 scELMo: Embeddings from Language Models are Good Learners for Single-cell Data Analysis. Tianyu Liu et al. bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer (GPT) Extended the concept from GenePT and proposed a novel approach to leverage the advantages from Large Language Models (LLMs) to formalize a foundation model for single-cell data analysis 69K 5 Cross entropy loss Cell clustering; Batch effect correction; Cell type annotation; Perturbation analysis
UCE 💡 Universal Cell Embeddings: A Foundation Model for Cell Biology. Yanay Rosen et al. bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Trained in a self-supervised learning fashion on a diverse corpus of cell atlas data encompassing humans and other species, this model offers a cohesive biological latent space capable of representing cells from any tissue or species, all without the need for manual data annotations 36M 300 Cross entropy loss Zero-shot embedding quality and clustering; Cell type organization; Zero-shot cell type alignment to Integrated Mega-scale Atlas (IMA)
CellFM 💡 a large-scale foundation model pre-trained on transcriptomics of 100 million human cells. Yuansong Zeng et al. bioRxiv (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer A 800-million-parameter single-cell model trained on ~100 million human cells, outperforming existing models in applications like cell annotation and gene function prediction 100M 20 Mean square error loss loss Cell type annotation; Pertubation prediction; Gene function predction
Nicheformer 💡 Nicheformer: A Foundation Model for Single-Cell and Spatial Omics. Anna C. Schaar et al. bioRxiv (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer Transformer-based model that integrates over 110 million human and mouse cells, learning unified representations from dissociated and spatial transcriptomics for advanced analysis of cellular interactions and environments. 110M 180+ Masked language modeling loss, Cross entropy loss Spatial cell type, niche region label prediction; Neighborhood cell density prediction
CELLama 💡 CELLama: Foundation Model for Single Cell and Spatial Transcriptomics by Cell Embedding Leveraging Language Model Abilities. Hongyoon Choi et al. bioRxiv (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer CELLama leverages language models to transform scRNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics data into gene expression 'sentences,' facilitating advanced cellular analysis across diverse datasets 536K+ 4 Cosine similarity Cell typing; Integration
LangCell 💡 LangCell: Language-Cell Pre-training for Cell Identity Understanding. Suyuan Zhao et al. arXiv (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer LangCell integrates single-cell data with natural language during pre-training enabling effective zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning performance in cell identity understanding tasks 27.5M 4 Masked gene modeling, Cell-cell contrastive, Cell-text contrastive, and Cell-text matching losses Novel cell type identification; Cell type annotation; Batch integration
GeneCompass 💡 GeneCompass: Deciphering Universal Gene Regulatory Mechanisms with Knowledge-Informed Cross-Species Foundation Model. Xiaodong Yang et al. bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Cross-species foundation model pre-trained on over 120 million single-cell transcriptomes from humans and mice, integrating biological prior knowledge 120M 13 Mean square error, Cross entropy loss Cell type annotation; Gene regulatory network prediction; Drug dose response prediction
scTranslator 💡 A pre-trained large generative model for translating single-cell transcriptome to proteome. Linjing Liu et al. bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer scTranslator, a pre-trained generative model inspired by NLP and genetic translation, enhances single-cell proteomics by generating multi-omics data from the transcriptome 239K 76 Mean square error Interaction inference; Cell clustering
scMoFormer 🔍 Single-Cell Multimodal Prediction via Transformers. Wenzhuo Tang et al. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Transformer-based framework designed to leverage and model the interactions of multimodal single-cell data, incorporating external domain knowledge for enhanced performance 146K 3 Mean square error loss Multimodal prediction
scTransSort 💡🔍 scTransSort: Transformers for Intelligent Annotation of Cell Types by Gene Embeddings. Linfang Jiao et al. Biomolecules (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Cell-type annotation using transformers, pre-trained on single-cell transcriptomics data 185K 47 Sparse Categorical Cross entropy Cell type annotation
BioFormers BioFormers: A Scalable Framework for Exploring Biostates using Transformers. Siham Amara-Belgadi et al. bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer Transformer-based unsupervised learning to model biological systems, defining a 'biostate' as a comprehensive vector of genomic, proteomic, and other biological markers 8K 3 Cross entropy loss Genetic perturbation prediction; Gene network inference
MuSe-GNN 🔍 MuSe-GNN: Learning Unified Gene Representation From Multimodal Biological Graph Data. Tian Yu et al. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2023) GitHub Repository Graph-Transformer Multimodal Similarity Learning Graph Neural Network, for integrating multimodal biological data to uncover gene function similarities across diverse datasets - 82 Binary cross entropy, Cosine similarity, Noise contrastive estimation loss Cell clusters delineation; Marker genes identification; Cell developmental trajectory exploration; Cluster-specific gene–gene interaction modules exploration analysis of bulk tissues
scFormer scFormer: A Universal Representation Learning Approach for Single-Cell Data Using Transformers. Haotian Cui et al. bioRxiv (2022) GitHub Repository Transformer Transformer-based deep learning framework employing self-attention to jointly optimize unsupervised cell and gene embeddings 27K 3 Cross entropy loss Integration; Perturbation prediction
scTT 🔍 Representation Learning and Translation between the Mouse and Human Brain using a Deep Transformer Architecture. Minxing Pang & Jesper Tegnér. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Workshop on Computational Biology (2020) Unpublished Transformer Transformer-based architecture translates single-cell genomic data between mouse and human, with enhanced clustering accuracy 170K 2 Mean square error Clustering; Alignment
scmFormer 💡🔍 scmFormer Integrates Large-Scale Single-Cell Proteomics and Transcriptomics Data by Multi-Task Transformer. Jing Xu et al. Advanced Science (2024) Unpublished Transformer decoder Transformer-based model integrating single-cell multi-omics data outperforming existing methods in label transfer and handling large-scale datasets. It also improves modality generation and spatial multi-omic analysis. 1.48M 24 Mean square error Missing modality generation; Missing features generation; Cell type label transfer; Clustering; Dimentionality reduction
scPRINT 💡 scPRINT: pre-training on 50 million cells allows robust gene network predictions. Jérémie Kalfon et al. bioRxiv (2024) GitHub Repository Transformer A large transformer-based cell model pre-trained on over 50 million cells and designed to infer gene networks and uncover complex cellular biology. 50M+ 800+ A combination of negative log-likelihood loss and contrastive loss Gene network inference

Benchmarking Papers

📄 Paper 💻 Code 🧠 Benchmarking Models 🌟 Main Focus 📝 Results & Insights
Evaluating the Utilities of Foundation Models in Single-cell Data Analysis. Tianyu Liu et al. bioRxiv (2024) GitHub Repository scGPT, scFoundation, tGPT, GeneCompass, SCimilarity, UCE, and CellPLM This paper evaluates the performance of foundation models (FMs) in single-cell sequencing data analysis, comparing them to task-specific methods across eight downstream tasks and proposing a systematic evaluation framework (scEval) for training and fine-tuning single-cell FMs. The study highlights that while single-cell FMs may not always outperform task-specific methods, they show promise in cross-species/cross-modality transfer learning and possess unique emergent abilities. Open-source single-cell FMs generally outperform closed-source ones due to their accessibility and the community feedback they receive; pre-training significantly enhances model performance in tasks like Cell-type Annotation and Gene Function Prediction. However, the study also found limitations in the stability and performance of single-cell FMs across certain tasks, suggesting the need for more nuanced training and fine-tuning processes, and indicating substantial room for improvement in their development.
Foundation Models Meet Imbalanced Single-Cell Data When Learning Cell Type Annotations. Abdel Rahman Alsabbagh et al. bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository scGPT, scBERT, and Geneformer The paper focuses on evaluating the performance of three single-cell foundation models—scGPT, scBERT, and Geneformer—when trained on datasets with imbalanced cell-type distributions. It explores how these models handle skewed data distributions, particularly in the context of cell-type annotation. scGPT and scBERT perform comparably well in cell-type annotation tasks, while Geneformer lags presumably due to its unique gene tokenization method, with all models benefiting from random oversampling to address data imbalances. Additionally, scGPT offers the fastest computational speed using FlashAttention, whereas scBERT is the most memory-efficient, highlighting trade-offs between speed and memory usage in these foundation models. The paper suggests that future directions should explore enhanced data representation strategies and algorithmic innovations, including tokenization and sampling techniques, to further mitigate imbalanced learning challenges in single-cell foundation models, aiming to improve their robustness across diverse biological datasets.
Reusability report: Learning the transcriptional grammar in single-cell RNA-sequencing data using transformers. Sumeer Ahmad Khan et al. Nature Machine Intelligence (2023) GitHub Repository scBERT This paper focuses on evaluating the reusability and generalizability of the scBERT method, originally designed for cell-type annotation in single-cell RNA-sequencing data, beyond its initial datasets. It highlights the significant impact of cell-type distribution on scBERT's performance and introduces a subsampling technique to mitigate imbalanced data distribution, offering insights for optimizing transformer models in single-cell genomics. While scBERT can reproduce the main results in cell-type annotation, its performance is significantly affected by the distribution of cells per cell type, particularly struggling with novel cell types in imbalanced datasets. Addressing this distributional sensitivity is crucial, suggesting future work should focus on developing methods to handle class imbalance and leveraging domain knowledge to enhance transformer models in single-cell genomics.
Assessing the limits of zero-shot foundation models in single-cell biology. Kasia Z. Kedzierska et al. bioRxiv (2023) GitHub Repository Geneformer and scGPT The main focus of this paper is to rigorously evaluate the zero-shot performance of foundation models, specifically Geneformer and scGPT, in single-cell biology to determine their efficacy in tasks like cell type clustering and batch effect correction. Geneformer and scGPT exhibit inconsistent and often underwhelming performance in zero-shot settings for single-cell biology tasks like cell type clustering and batch effect correction, often falling behind simpler methods like scVI and highly variable gene selection. Pretraining these models on larger and more diverse datasets offers limited benefits, underscoring the need for more focused research to improve the robustness and utility of foundation models in single-cell biology.

Review/Perspective Papers

📄 Paper 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 📝 Remarks & Conclusion
Translating single-cell genomics into cell types. Jesper N. Tegner. Nature Machine Intelligence (2023) This paper emphasizes the successful adaptation of machine translation models, particularly transformers like BERT, for the task of cell type annotation in single-cell genomics. It highlights the development of scBERT, which leverages pretraining and self-supervised learning to create robust cell embeddings that are less sensitive to batch effects and capable of detecting subtle dependencies such as rare cell types. Despite demonstrating strong performance across diverse datasets and tasks, the paper acknowledges limitations, such as the need for embedding binning and the lack of integration with underlying biological processes like gene-regulatory networks. The authors suggest future research directions, including improving the generalization of embeddings to continuous values and developing more nuanced masking strategies. The paper concludes by noting the potential for transformers to be applied to other tasks in single-cell biology and anticipates growing interest in integrating AI methods beyond computer vision into bioinformatics and single-cell genomics.

DNA Models

Papers focused on the application of Transformer models in DNA sequence analysis.

Original Papers

🧠 Model 📄 Paper 💻 Code 🛠️ Architecture 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 🧬 No. of Cells 📊 No. of Datasets 🎯 Loss Function(s) 📝 Downstream Tasks/Evaluations
HyenaDNA HyenaDNA: Long-Range Genomic Sequence Modeling at Single Nucleotide Resolution. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2023) GitHub Repository Transformer A genomic foundation model that leverages long-range context modeling using implicit convolutions, allowing it to process up to 1 million tokens at single nucleotide resolution. x x x x

Benchmarking Papers

📄 Paper 💻 Code 🧠 Benchmarking Models 🌟 Main Focus 📝 Results & Insights
BEND: Benchmarking DNA Language Models on biologically meaningful tasks. Frederikke Isa Marin et al. _arXiv (2024) GitHub Repository AWD-LSTM, Dilated ResNet, Nucleotide Transformer (NT-MS, NT-V2, NT-1000G), DNABERT, DNABERT-2, GENA-LM (BERT, BigBird), HyenaDNA (large, small), GROVER, and Basset The paper introduces BEND, a benchmark designed to evaluate DNA language models (LMs) using realistic, biologically meaningful tasks on the human genome. BEND includes seven tasks that assess the models' ability to capture functional elements across various length scales. The main results of the BEND benchmark reveal that DNA language models (LMs) show promising but mixed performance across different tasks. Nucleotide Transformer (NT-MS) performed best overall, particularly in gene finding, histone modification, and CpG methylation tasks. DNABERT excelled in chromatin accessibility prediction, matching the performance of the Basset model. However, no model consistently outperformed all others, and long-range tasks like enhancer annotation remained challenging for all models. The study highlighted the need for further improvement in capturing long-range dependencies in genomic data.

Review/Perspective Papers

📄 Paper 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 📝 Remarks & Conclusion
To Transformers and Beyond: Large Language Models for the Genome. Micaela E. Consens et al. arXiv (2024) This paper explores the revolutionary impact of Large Language Models (LLMs) on genomics, focusing on their capacity to tackle the complexities of DNA, RNA, and single-cell sequencing data. By adapting the transformer architecture, traditionally used in natural language processing, LLMs offer a novel approach to uncover genomic patterns, predict functional elements, and enhance genomic data interpretation. The review delves into transformer-hybrid models and emerging architectures beyond transformers, outlining their applications, benefits, and limitations in genomic data analysis. The goal is to bridge gaps between computational biology and machine learning in the evolving field of genomics. The paper emphasizes that while transformer-based LLMs have significantly advanced genomic modeling, challenges like scaling to larger contexts and maintaining interpretability remain. Innovations such as the Hyena layer promise to address computational inefficiencies, further pushing the boundaries of genomic data analysis. Future research should focus on improving context length, integrating multi-omic data, and refining interpretability to fully realize the potential of LLMs. Overall, the review highlights the transformative potential of these models in genomics, pointing toward an exciting future for computational biology.

Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) Models

Papers applying Transformer models to spatial transcriptomics data.

Original Papers

🧠 Model 📄 Paper 💻 Code 🛠️ Architecture 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 🧬 No. of Cells 📊 No. of Datasets 🎯 Loss Function(s) 📝 Downstream Tasks/Evaluations
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Benchmarking Papers

📄 Paper 💻 Code 🧠 Benchmarking Models 🌟 Main Focus 📝 Results & Insights
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Review/Perspective Papers

📄 Paper 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 📝 Remarks & Conclusion
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Hybrids of SCG, DNA, and ST Models

Papers that combine approaches and modalities from SCG, DNA, and ST using Transformers.

Original Papers

🧠 Model 📄 Paper 💻 Code 🛠️ Architecture 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 🧬 No. of Cells 📊 No. of Datasets 🎯 Loss Function(s) 📝 Downstream Tasks/Evaluations
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Benchmarking Papers

📄 Paper 💻 Code 🧠 Benchmarking Models 🌟 Main Focus 📝 Results & Insights
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Review/Perspective Papers

📄 Paper 🌟 Highlights/Main Focus 📝 Remarks & Conclusion
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