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779 lines (642 loc) · 25.9 KB

File metadata and controls

779 lines (642 loc) · 25.9 KB

Root schema of a Transparency Information Language Schema

This schema defines the Transparency Information Language

Root schema of a Transparency Information Language Type

object (Root schema of a Transparency Information Language)

Root schema of a Transparency Information Language Examples

  "meta": {
    "_id": "f1424f86-ca0f-4f0c-9438-43cc00509931",
    "name": "Green Company",
    "created": "2020-04-03T15:53:05.929588",
    "modified": "2020-04-03T15: 53: 05.929588",
    "version": 2,
    "language": "de",
    "status": "active",
    "url": "",
    "_hash": "d732a793562a3e5dc57645a8"
  "controller": {
    "name": "Green Company AG",
    "division": "Product line e-mobility",
    "address": "Wolfsburger Ring 2, 38440 Berlin",
    "country": "DE",
    "representative": {
      "name": "Jane Super",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "0049 151 1234 5678"
  "dataProtectionOfficer": {
    "name": "Jane Super",
    "address": "Wolfsburger Ring 2, 38440 Berlin",
    "country": "DE",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0049 151 1234 5678"
  "dataDisclosed": [
      "_id": "f1424f86-ca0f-4f0c-9438-43cc00509931",
      "category": "E-mail address",
      "purposes": [
          "purpose": "Marketing",
          "description": "Newsletter will be sent out once a month."
      "legalBases": [
          "reference": "GDPR-99-1-a",
          "description": "The data are processed on the basis of Art. 99 GDPR which states..."
          "reference": "BDSG-42-5",
          "description": "BDSG-42-5 refers to the processing of personal data within..."
      "legitimateInterests": [
          "exists": true,
          "reasoning": "There is an legitimate interest based on ... and is not overwritten because ..."
      "recipients": [
          "name": "Yellow Company AG",
          "division": "Product line e-mobility",
          "address": "Triana 123, 9999 Seville",
          "country": "ES",
          "representative": {
            "name": "Jane Super",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "0049 151 1234 9876"
          "category": "Marketing content provider"
          "category": "Responsible Statistical Institutes"
      "storage": [
          "temporal": [
              "description": "Creating backups.",
              "ttl": "2005-08-09T18:31:42P3Y6M4DT12H30M17S"
              "description": "Finishing ordering process.",
              "ttl": "2020-08-09T18:31:42P3Y6M4DT12H30M17S"
          "purposeConditional": [
            "Data is stored until the end of the ordering process."
          "legalBasisConditional": [
          "aggregationFunction": "max"
      "nonDisclosure": {
        "legalRequirement": false,
        "contractualRegulation": false,
        "obligationToProvide": false,
        "consequences": "If the data is not disclosed, the shipment cannot be delivered."
  "thirdCountryTransfers": [
      "country": "ES",
      "adequacyDecision": {
        "available": true,
        "description": "An adequacy decision was made on the 23rd April 2020 by..."
      "appropriateGuarantees": {
        "available": true,
        "description": "Here the appropriate guarantee was formulated by..."
      "presenceOfEnforceableRightsAndEffectiveRemedies": {
        "available": true,
        "description": "These rights are given because of..."
      "standardDataProtectionClause": {
        "available": true,
        "description": "The standard data protection clause which applies here can be found here: ..."
  "accessAndDataPortability": {
    "available": true,
    "description": "Data access is possible through...",
    "url": "",
    "email": "",
    "identificationEvidences": [
      "ID card copy",
      "Email verification"
    "administrativeFee": {
      "amount": 0,
      "currency": "EUR"
    "dataFormat": "json"
  "sources": [
      "_id": "f1423cc00509931",
      "dataCategory": "Creditworthiness",
      "sources": [
          "description": "This information could be retrieved from...",
          "url": "",
          "publiclyAvailable": false
  "rightToInformation": {
    "available": true,
    "description": "For the right to information please use this contact form and...",
    "url": "",
    "email": "",
    "identificationEvidences": [
      "ID card copy",
      "Email verification"
  "rightToRectificationOrDeletion": {
    "available": true,
    "description": "For the right to rectification please use this contact form and...",
    "url": "",
    "email": "",
    "identificationEvidences": [
      "ID card copy",
      "Email verification"
  "rightToDataPortability": {
    "available": false,
    "description": "Data portability is only possible when...",
    "url": "",
    "email": "",
    "identificationEvidences": [
      "ID card copy"
  "rightToWithdrawConsent": {
    "available": true,
    "description": "For the right to withdraw consent please use this contact form and...",
    "url": "",
    "email": "",
    "identificationEvidences": [
      "Email verification"
  "rightToComplain": {
    "available": true,
    "description": "For the right to complain please use this contact form and...",
    "url": "",
    "email": "",
    "identificationEvidences": [
      "ID card copy",
      "Email verification"
    "supervisoryAuthority": {
      "name": "Commissioner for Data Protection",
      "address": "Friedrichstrasse 219, 10969 Berlin",
      "country": "DE",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "0049 444 222 111"
  "automatedDecisionMaking": {
    "inUse": true,
    "logicInvolved": "The personal data are processed as follows...",
    "scopeAndIntendedEffects": "From processing follows..."
  "changesOfPurpose": [
      "description": "Due to techncial requirements...",
      "affectedDataCategories": [
        "Email adress",
        "Credit score"
      "plannedDateOfChange": "2020-08-20",
      "urlOfNewVersion": ""

Root schema of a Transparency Information Language Properties

Property Type Required Nullable Defined by
meta object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
controller object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
dataProtectionOfficer object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
dataDisclosed array Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
thirdCountryTransfers array Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
accessAndDataPortability object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
sources array Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
rightToInformation object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
rightToRectificationOrDeletion object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
rightToDataPortability object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
rightToWithdrawConsent object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
rightToComplain object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
automatedDecisionMaking object Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
changesOfPurpose array Required cannot be null Root schema of a Transparency Information Language
Additional Properties Any Optional can be null


Meta information for the identification and verification of the document.


meta Type

object (Meta)

meta Examples

  "_id": "f1424f86-ca0f-4f0c-9438-43cc00509931",
  "name": "Green Company",
  "created": "2020-04-03T15:53:05.929588",
  "modified": "2020-04-03T15: 53: 05.929588",
  "version": 2,
  "language": "de",
  "status": "active",
  "url": "",
  "_hash": "d732a793562a3e5dc57645a8"


The responsible controller is defined in here.


controller Type

object (Controller)

controller Examples

  "name": "Green Company AG",
  "division": "Product line e-mobility",
  "address": "Wolfsburger Ring 2, 38440 Berlin",
  "country": "DE",
  "representative": {
    "name": "Jane Super",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0049 151 1234 5678"


The Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the controller.


dataProtectionOfficer Type

object (DataProtectionOfficer)

dataProtectionOfficer Examples

  "name": "Jane Super",
  "address": "Wolfsburger Ring 2, 38440 Berlin",
  "country": "DE",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "0049 151 1234 5678"


A detailed explanation about which data is disclosed in the processing tasks.


dataDisclosed Type

an array of merged types (Details)

dataDisclosed Examples

    "_id": "f1424f86-ca0f-4f0c-9438-43cc00509931",
    "category": "E-mail address",
    "purposes": [
        "purpose": "Marketing",
        "description": "Newsletter will be sent out once a month."
    "legalBases": [
        "reference": "GDPR-99-1-a",
        "description": "The data are processed on the basis of Art. 99 GDPR which states..."
        "reference": "BDSG-42-5",
        "description": "BDSG-42-5 refers to the processing of personal data within..."
    "legitimateInterests": [
        "exists": true,
        "reasoning": "There is an legitimate interest based on ... and is not overwritten because ..."
    "recipients": [
        "name": "Yellow Company AG",
        "division": "Product line e-mobility",
        "address": "Triana 123, 9999 Seville",
        "country": "ES",
        "representative": {
          "name": "Jane Super",
          "email": "",
          "phone": "0049 151 1234 9876"
        "category": "Marketing content provider"
        "category": "Responsible Statistical Institutes"
    "storage": [
        "temporal": [
            "description": "Creating backups.",
            "ttl": "2005-08-09T18:31:42P3Y6M4DT12H30M17S"
            "description": "Finishing ordering process.",
            "ttl": "2020-07-12T18:31:42P3Y6M4DT12H30M17S"
        "purposeConditional": [
          "Data is stored until the end of the ordering process."
        "legalBasisConditional": [
        "aggregationFunction": "max"
    "nonDisclosure": {
      "legalRequirement": false,
      "contractualRegulation": false,
      "obligationToProvide": false,
      "consequences": "If the data is not disclosed, the shipment cannot be delivered."


This schema refers to the adequacy decisions of any third country transfers.


thirdCountryTransfers Type

an array of merged types (Details)

thirdCountryTransfers Examples

    "country": "ES",
    "adequacyDecision": {
      "available": true,
      "description": "An adequacy decision was made on the 23rd April 2020 by..."
    "appropriateGuarantees": {
      "available": true,
      "description": "Here the appropriate guarantee was formulated by..."
    "presenceOfEnforceableRightsAndEffectiveRemedies": {
      "available": true,
      "description": "These rights are given because of..."
    "standardDataProtectionClause": {
      "available": true,
      "description": "The standard data protection clause which applies here can be found here: ..."


Defining the right to access and data portability.


accessAndDataPortability Type

object (AccessAndDataPortability)

accessAndDataPortability Examples

  "available": true,
  "description": "Data access is possible through...",
  "url": "",
  "email": "",
  "identificationEvidences": [
    "ID card copy",
    "Email verification"
  "administrativeFee": {
    "amount": 0,
    "currency": "EUR"
  "dataFormat": "json"


This duty to provide information is limited to the collection of personal data that does not take place from the data subject (Art. 14).


sources Type

an array of merged types (Details)

sources Examples

    "_id": "f1423cc00509931",
    "dataCategory": "Creditworthiness",
    "sources": [
        "description": "This information could be retrieved from...",
        "url": "",
        "publiclyAvailable": false


Refers to the right of information.


rightToInformation Type

object (RightToInformation)

rightToInformation Examples

  "available": true,
  "description": "For the right to information please use this contact form and...",
  "url": "",
  "email": "",
  "identificationEvidences": [
    "ID card copy",
    "Email verification"


This schema refers to the right to rectification or deletion (Art. 16 GDPR).


rightToRectificationOrDeletion Type

object (RightToRectificationOrDeletion)

rightToRectificationOrDeletion Examples

  "available": true,
  "description": "For the right to rectification please use this contact form and...",
  "url": "",
  "email": "",
  "identificationEvidences": [
    "ID card copy",
    "Email verification"


The right to data portability as stated in Art. 20 GDPR.


rightToDataPortability Type

object (RightToDataPortability)

rightToDataPortability Examples

  "available": true,
  "description": "Data portability is only possible when...",
  "url": "",
  "email": "",
  "identificationEvidences": [
    "ID card copy"


This schema refers to the right to withdraw consent.


rightToWithdrawConsent Type

object (RightToWithdrawConsent)

rightToWithdrawConsent Examples

  "available": true,
  "description": "For the right to withdraw consent please use this contact form and...",
  "url": "",
  "email": "",
  "identificationEvidences": [
    "Email verification"


This schema refers to the right to complain.


rightToComplain Type

object (RightToComplain)

rightToComplain Examples

  "available": true,
  "description": "For the right to complain please use this contact form and...",
  "url": "",
  "email": "",
  "identificationEvidences": [
    "ID card copy",
    "Email verification"
  "supervisoryAuthority": {
    "name": "Commissioner for Data Protection",
    "address": "Friedrichstrasse 219, 10969 Berlin",
    "country": "DE",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0049 444 222 111"


Automated decision making and potentially involved logic. Does include profiling.


automatedDecisionMaking Type

object (AutomatedDecisionMaking)

automatedDecisionMaking Examples

  "inUse": true,
  "logicInvolved": "The personal data are processed as follows...",
  "scopeAndIntendedEffects": "From processing follows..."


Notification of change of purpose.


changesOfPurpose Type

an array of merged types (Details)

changesOfPurpose Examples

    "description": "Due to technical requirements...",
    "affectedDataCategories": [
      "Email adress",
      "Credit score"
    "plannedDateOfChange": "2020-08-20",
    "urlOfNewVersion": ""

Additional Properties

Additional properties are allowed and do not have to follow a specific schema